Television is weird. I haven't had TV in a long time. I recently got cable. I know, cable of all things. I was relying on streaming services most of the time. But then football games came on and I couldn't watch the game on streaming, so I ended up getting cable. It made sense at the get go when I wanted to do that. Let's hope the prices don't increase. I'm sure they will though, who's to say what will happen. I'll just have to wait it out I suppose.
I forgot how commercials were. I'm used to ads. Which you can argue that ads and commercials are the same, they just have different names. Yeah they can be the same thing that much is for sure. I feel more anxious about commercials than I do ads. I'm not certain why that is, I just know that's what it is and that's what I'm dealing with.
Found some good shows to watch on cable though. Found some stations that have some old shows that I used to watch growing up. Oh yeah, I know what I'll be doing for sure.
So that's that, and with that it's all good.
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