Saturday, June 2, 2018

Be You

BE TRUE TO THINE SELF. To utter such a phrase unto the which like a person must be found under. Is it not that which we strive to do unto the day of the ceasing breath? Of which I dare say to the audience at hand, do it or be damned.

A night doth not go by where I find myself thinking. Perhaps overthinking upon the likes of which this life will destroy me. Oh to be destroyed long before it even began. That is which I wish for all. To understand truth, one must be destroyed before they are able to build themselves up again. It is a thought, take it or leave it by the way.

It would appear to some this life is a matter of destruction. The kings of the nations of the world would have you believe they are the greatest powers of all. Each raise up armies, navies of the like all in order to reign supreme. But in their darkest of night, how are they able to see that which causes them the most evil of darkness. Riches of the world cannot solve everything.

To each their own. It is a phrase used all too often. If that is actually the case, a person cannot be true to himself unless they have an understanding of what is going on around them. Oh to be able to have that ability. To have that desire within their hearts. Is it too much to ask? I dare say not. There are many things in this life which need to be understood. Grasped upon and decided for the better. If you do not look forward to life with the acceptance of change? Are you even living? I dare say you are not.

If I were to allow myself to speak that which is naught, it would be a damnation to my own soul. If I were to speak falsehoods against my brethren, it would be counted against me. For there are many laws in the world and of the land which are meant to keep people safe against such actions. Again, to be true to oneself you must be able to understand and grasp that which you have been unable to before. Are you up to the challenge? If you are not, then dismiss this as it is and allow yourself to be swallowed up into the empty pit of death.

However, if you are willing to accept change. Believe in yourself to the point where nothing else will matter. To the point where things of this world must be able to change itself and you are willing to accept it. That is something quite different. There are many things in this world, this life, which change. You do not have control over such change. It happens without another thought. That is change. It is what change does best. Altering reality to the point where what once was truth is now a fable. What was a fable is now truth. You cannot always tell when change happens. It will happen when the universe needs it to happen. You cannot also dictate when change will happen either. Just because you do not wish something to happen does not mean the universe wishes it to happen at that specific period in time.

Be wise in well doing. Do not wish that upon your neighbor which you would be unwilling to wish upon yourself. It is the ability to take a step back and see all around you which is best.
On the other hand, if you do not try something at least once you will never know the outcome. Here we have quite a universal complex decision. When life gives you an option, which route will you take? To the right or to the left? Will you continue going forward without question or will you second guess yourself and step backwards? It is all such a complex thought process beyond any comparison of the word.

As it has been done in times past. Life has meaning. It has the ability to destroy the souls of men long before they are willing or able to accept that which they are not. Some would have you believe this life is not meant to be pleasing to anyone. It is meant to destroy you long before you have the ability to decide for yourself.

I would not say this life is easy. No, it is quite a complex matter. With all of the diseases which course through the veins of people, and the anxiety and depressions which come upon people. It is quite easy to curse the mighty creator above and shout phrases of vain meanings. It has happened, it will happen, it is currently happening. Do not assume there will always be peace throughout the land.

There is in itself the option for inner peace. To reach such a desired place, one must accept that which they cannot change. They must be willing to change that which they can and are able. Change comes at a cost. A price had by many over the course of the years. It is nothing new. In order to change, one must be willing to open their mind to the possibility that change is possible.

If a person is stubborn and unwilling to change, they are doomed to repeat the past of which they have such guilt. Yet guilt comes from many different forms. It roots deep into a person’s mind and thought process to the point where they are unable to move. Frozen by the words of those who have taught them such things. To live a life full of guilt is to accept defeat and failure. To me that is unacceptable. But that is my own thought process and I cannot or should not say it is the way one should think.

I am my own person, I have my own thoughts. I do not wish to tell you how to think. It would not only be dishonest but it would be the wrong moral character of me to do so. Perhaps I shall return to this again in the future. Maybe I won’t. There is no saying at this juncture.

BE THE YOU, YOU WISH TO BE. Everyone wants to be someone. Business owners wish to be a guiding force in the world. It starts with an idea. Everything begins with an idea. If there were no ideas, no one would accomplish anything in this life.

Life has this odd ability to make people desire things. Sometimes those things are good, other times those things are not good. Either way, the desire is there. To act upon the desire? That is something quite a different matter. One can have a desire, and that is okay. But to act upon such a desire is not always the best thing to do. Sometimes acting upon that desire or want would be a most terrible action to take.

The mind has the ability to decide if a desire is right or wrong. These are gifts given to each person in the form of a conscience. It’s not always a bug on your shoulder, it’s that quiet thought at the back of your mind...sometimes it’s a screaming thought. But either way? It’s that thought at the back of your mind that helps you decide what to do about whatever action needs to be taken.

Ever feel like no one is listening?

 Ever have that feeling that no one is listening to you? Yeah, that feeling. It can be a strong feeling to have, a hurtful feeling also. The...