Monday, February 26, 2024

Sometimes This Life Hurts

Let's face it, life can hurt at times. Sometimes you have to deal with voices in your head, voices outside of your head, and just voices in general. You never know what will happen if those voices stop you from doing whatever you want to accomplish. So that's what this life can be about. Does that make any sense? I sure hope it does, because I'm not sure if it does or not. There are times where I am simply not able to understand if I am understanding what's going on correctly.

Sometimes the voices don't make sense to me. I don't know what's going on with this life. If that's acceptable then that's the way, it's meant to be. Personally, I wish the voices didn't come and visit or exist at times. They come and go anytime they please. That's really all there is to it. This life will come and go as it pleases. There isn't anything we are able to do regarding it. If we had the ability to make the voices, go away completely I do believe this life would be much better. It would be nice to be able to find a way to make the voices go away. But they still want to stick around contaminating our minds with whatever there is to contaminate them with.

You see, some voices are internal others are external. For the most part I hear the internal voices. At present they are fighting among themselves. It's distracting and exhausting at the same time. Somedays you just have to recharge after a day of hearing them constantly in and out of your mind. So, I find a quiet place to be and read a book. It helps, I swear.

There are times when I'm unable to recognize what's going on. It wouldn't be me if things were different. Sometimes an audio book is helpful. I can escape into the world of the book, that's all. It can be an enjoyable experience. That much is for certain. Waiting for something to happen.

The waiting, oh the waiting. It's nothing possible or impossible. Life doesn't make sense at times. I hate that feeling. To feel free would be the best feeling in the world. That's what I want out of this life is to feel free. Forget the voices, forget everything else. It all needs to become something different. This life can be arranged in a manner that doesn't make sense and yet here we all are. I'm not sure what that means exactly but, that's all-which matters, I guess.

Either way here we are, this life will continue the way it's meant to be, and we will be allowed to finish what we started. Until I think like the voices, I'm unable to figure out everything that was going on.

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