Friday, March 23, 2012

LOL Spam

I always get a kick of logging into my WordPress and reading through the spam that gets stuck in the thing. Yeah. Oh too funny!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Adobe / Macromedia = Flash

Yeah... let's talk about Flash for a minute shall we?

Dearest Adobe, why does your product choose to update ... what it seems like every 5 minutes. Or every time I turn around? Why?

You can't seriously be adding that many changes to the Flash program installed on my computer... can you? Perhaps I should start following every little release you do to the software so I'll know exactly what it is you're adding to my computer now. Honestly... it's starting to become annoying. Well more than annoying. Sure you want your followers computers to be up to date and everything... and you think that by making them update every so many days will keep them that much safer. Yeah... about that.

There a freakin' way you can just do it in the background? Without bothering me? That would be nice.

Fix something... make it better... make it more seamless. I don't want to even see you that often!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Hello Tuesday

It's already Tuesday... I'm still wondering where yesterday went to. Or Sunday for that matter. I suppose one could blame Daylight Savings Time and all of that fun mess. But well why go there at all? My thoughts exactly.

In other news... yeah there is no other news. Had you going there for a moment didn't I?

Had some fun times with the hosting company. I swear they're not the brightest people on the planet. I'll have to write about that later.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I love 7-Zip. I use it like no other on the command line.

Something occurred to me tonight though. When I backup files... say make a copy over to my DropBox, I just copy them to my Dropbox. I haven't been zipping them up.

Well guess what I started doing? That's right. I started zipping up some projects and copying those over to my DropBox.

Good times for sure.

New iPad

Apple has released their new iPad. yes you heard me right, they released a new iPad.

Now interesting thing that happens whenever they release new things... eventually the newer operating system that will go on the device won't work on version 1 of the iPad. Yeah... same thing happened to my iPod Touch and my Apple Laptop.

So... yeah, I think I'll still wait a while before getting an iPad. Maybe I'll wait till version 4 or 5.

Or just never get one at all. Yep that's also an option.

Oh FaceBook

Back in the day FaceBook was good. Then things just became bleh. Yeah I said it. You remember the days when people would add you left and right. People you hadn't heard from since Jr. High School.

Yep all of that.

Well FaceBook. I'm pretty sure that I'm getting tired of it all. I'm sure there is something more out there than being obsessed over FaceBook. People can't just live life on the internet.

So yeah... there are sure some things to think through over FaceBook for sure.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Hello Weekend

So the weekend is here. A weekend is always a good thing to have around. So many things can happen in a weekend. Currently I'm just reading and catching up on random things.

Oh yes good times indeed.

Ever feel like no one is listening?

 Ever have that feeling that no one is listening to you? Yeah, that feeling. It can be a strong feeling to have, a hurtful feeling also. The...