Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Aqua Team Is Back

So... watching The Biggest Loser. The Aqua Team is back. Always difficult for newbies to show up... yeah. Should prove to be amusing to say the least. I'm sure they'll be the first ones picked off, chewed up, and spit back out. So yeah there's that.

The other teams... yeah they're not that happy with them at all. Yeah they don't believe nuffin... sooo classic.

Monday, January 30, 2012

WordPress Modifications

Been working a little with some modifications to make my own WordPress Theme. They say the key thing to remember is not to change any of WPs core code. Write all the plugins you want, write all the themes you want. But don't you dare change the base code.

Just look at the Replicators when SG-1 mucked around with their base code. Yeah remember that?

Well mucking around with WP's base code is similar... well it won't spawn up and come after you. But you get the idea.

First up, I wonder what kind of other post types I can come up with... who knows eventually I might come up with something for this site... yeah we'll have to wait and see about that now won't we.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Science Fiction

Funny thing about Science Fiction stories / shows / whatevers. The authors can make them believable if they choose. On the other hand they can do whatever they feel like. I suppose that's why it's called fiction. Having the authority to do this that and the other. But please make sure it's a good story... or at least something that will hold your audience's attention. If it doesn't do that, and they leave? Yeah forget it. They won't be coming back.

WordPress Overload

Wow... just took at look at all of the categories and tags etc for this site. I might need/want to rethink most of it. Or at least keep the search active. Yeah that might be the best way to find blog posts at the moment.

On the other hand... I suppose it looks alright. Nothing too crazy. Nothing too bad. Yeah all of that and more.

Still working on the design of the site. Eventually I want to put the site in some kind of full with layout etc. Yeah not sure how that'll end up. We'll just have to wait and see what happens with it all.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Outer Limits

Been watching The Outer Limits on Hulu lately. I just love this show. It's rather good.

I should post something about the episodes or something... yeah that would be a fun project for sure. We'll see if I ever do that though. Busy busy me.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Such an interesting word... "Today". Lots of things happen and lots of things exist simply because of "Today".

Not much to say really... just "Today" was alright.

Yes, that pretty much sums it up.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Install This Install That

I'd say it never ceases to amaze me... perhaps it's more of an amusing type of thing. You're on the internet and go to search for a tutorial on this that or the other. A program is required. The tutorial goes through step by step on installing the needed program. Why is this?

I would think that if the program was written well, it would have an installer that was helpful enough to step you through installing the program. The tutorial you're reading wouldn't have all of the steps to install it... shouldn't it just say "First install this program, now that you have it installed, here's how you use it." Type of thing?

Yeah. That's what always gets me. Perhaps I'm just alone in this thinking... who knows.

Ant - Hello World

Usually you wouldn't ever use a hello world example in Ant. Outputting text isn't really the goal of the thing. But this will give you a chance to see how to run an ant build.

So, open up a text editor and save the following as build.xml.

<project name="HelloWorld">

<target name="sayhello">
<echo>Hello World!</echo>

You would then run the program as:

ant sayhello

As you might expect, it simply says Hello World!

Echo messages are useful to track the process of an Ant Task when it's going through specific procedures that you specify.

Monday, January 23, 2012

1 AM

I suppose that means it's time for bed. :-) I guess that's a good thing... maybe. We'll see how well I sleep... if I can sleep at all. Yeah all of that... and then some. We'll figure it all out eventually. Maybe possibly.

If not... well that's just another story to think about... another song to write... something else on the horizon to worry for another day to come. With that I say good night, may sweet dreams meet you with their kindness. May tomorrow morning come in bright and wanting.

Ant For Multiple Deployments

I use Ant a lot when I program. Mostly for deploying whatever I've been coding to a test site. I currently have an ant build file that has two targets. One target will put the files to a tomcat server running ColdFusion 9, the other target will deploy the files to a server running Railo.

Eventually I'd like to have my build file run to all of the possible ColdFusion versions that I can. Now that would be something special.

I should start a section regarding Ant... now that would be something special.


Who would have known that the night would have progressed so quickly?

I sure wasn't expecting it to be this late already... before long tomorrow will be here and everything else will happen. Work will come and yeah. So I can just look forward to dreamland I suppose. Hopefully I'll have some good dreams tonight. We'll have to see what happens.

For now, I'll just sit here and wait till the night continues and I will be able to go to bed.


Gage sure knows when he wants to go for a walk. He's had some fun times today while we were out.

From taking my latest book from the bedroom, to moving things around the house. Oh yes, methinks we need to keep things out of puppy's reach.


Looking to her with lust
needing to feel her against me
licking her lips
caressing her body

Kissing her deeply
hearing her moan
tasting her sweetness
in the moonlight

More than a friendship
and more than a makeout
something unique
something close to my heart


There's nothing wrong with your television...


And for every useless reason I know, there's a reason not to care.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Time for bed. *yawn* Not my fault that it's bed time mind you... it just is bed time.


With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably.


Life is the messy bits.


I will not sacrifice the Enterprise. We've made too many compromises already, too many retreats. They invade our space and we fall back. They assimilate entire worlds and we fall back. Not again. The line must be drawn here! This far, no farther! And I will make them pay for what they've done!


I'd let a homeless schizophrenic rub my feet.


They say the world will end in 2012... well it's 2012 now. We'll see if that's true.


Is your fridge running? It is? Better go catch it...


So not ready for the week to start... but it's too late for that now isn't it. So I suppose it'll start no matter what. Sounds good to me.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Just finished watching X-Men First Class. Not too bad of a movie. Not too bad at all.

Database Class

Been thinking of creating my own Database Class. Either PHP class or maybe a ColdFusion component... perhaps both.

I imagine it would be something simple, something that takes arguments of the query built as strings.

For CF, not sure how I would do a <,cfqueryparam>> on parameters send into the function, if the function accepts a string. So something to think about with that for sure.

Not sure what I'll do with said class file(s) but yeah you just never know what it will bring.

Friday, January 20, 2012

WWW Linux

Been working with my /var/www directory lately. Rather annoying how it wasn't working for me. Anytime I tried to upload a file it didn't want to do anything with it etc. Long story. So I ended up running the following commands:

$ mkdir ~/www
$ sudo mv /var/www /var/www-backup
$ sudo ln -s /home/user/www /var/www

Works like a charm!

Java Console - Input

Ah the fun times of inputting data from the command line in a Java program.

Java has come a long way in this respect. From starting with IO Streams to what they have now. Currently, there is a Console class in the java.io package. Here's a simple test I did capturing data the user enters:

import java.io.Console;
import java.io.IOException;

public class Test {

public Test() {


public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
String in = null;

Console c = System.console();
if (c == null) {
System.err.println("No console.");

while (!(in = c.readLine("> ")).equals(".quit")) {
// do something with the content you just captured

That's a very simple program now isn't it? Just accepts whatever you enter and echos it back out to the screen. If you type in .quit it will quit the program.

So yep, just a simple program for capturing data in a Console application.


Spent way too much time last night attempting to setup a Linux Server at home. After five hours, I finally figured it out. Woot!

I Love You

So... I wrote a program that would help cheer me up whenever I feel down. Yes I wanted my computer to tell me how wonderful I am and that it loves me.

You'd do it to... if you wanted to. Yeah all of that... because of reasons and other things.

Quite simple actually, all I did was check for keywords that I passed in... if it matched a "bad" keyword, I would output something like "Don't say that, you're wonderful!"

If it happened upon a "good" keyword, it would say "I Love You."

Just something simple. I want to try some kind of text game where it takes input as text, and does things... just moving from screen to screen on a map would be amusing. "Go left, go right, go forward, go backward" etc. Just something to toy and play with for sure.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Site Updated... Merged Two Sites Into One

Merged two websites into one tonight. Figured why log into two places when one will do.

So yep this is the new improved site. Hopefully all I'll be doing is adding to it from here on out. We'll have to see what happens.

Speaking of moving things around. Tonight I formatted an old computer I have, put Linux Mint on it and created my own home server. Not too bad if I do say so myself.

Can't recall all of the processor specs and all of that, but it has 2 gigs of ram and a 320 gig hard drive in it. So no I don't think I'll be running out of storage space anytime soon.

Kinda enjoy having my own server in the house. Good for projects or whatever else I need/want to put on it.

Not to mention it'll be nice to actually have something that's up 24/7 instead of only when the laptop is on.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

CFTextarea Railo

Surprise Surprise... I was working on a site and would you know it? cftextarea isn't supported in Railo.

Either I have to come up with some other way to use the cftextarea... or just tell peoples that the app isn't supported on Railo. That kinda sucks for ONE tag to bring down a whole site as not useable.

I suppose I could ditch CFs built in JavaScript error checking and use jQuery... or something else.

Something to think about for sure.

For now at least... yeah need to figure it out.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


It's morning, I have Hot Chocolate and ready to tackle the day.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Well I'm awake, alert, and up. I suppose that means something.


I keep telling myself that I need to go to bed... and yet here I sit. Doesn't make any sense to me. Why doesn't anything make sense??? Man I wish I could just get out of this funk I'm in.

Weekend Is Over

I suppose that since the weekend is over... that should mean something. Not sure what that means. I swear it gets more confusing as time continues. Yes all of that.


I suppose sleep would be good right now. Not sure what exactly it would bring me though. I should figure that out.

Just Live

Find a way to live
there's got to be something
if not nothing out there

Living life makes sense
if you know what you need
perhaps what you want

If it's nothing
you're just there
nothing to wait for

Life moves on
no matter what you try
it continues no matter what


Just a tad stressed out tonight. I have got to figure things out. Just getting behind on things... doesn't make sense how I'm getting behind... doesn't make sense at all. One would think it would make better sense and would work out easier the way it should.

Nope not a clue. How do people do this? Wish I knew... wish I knew. But no I sure as heck don't know how it's meant to work out. Feeling so lost right now.

Have to figure this one out. Need to figure this one out.

No clue how it's all meant to be. I just don't know.

I'm sure this will make no sense to anyone. That's fine. I hear that life isn't meant to make any sense... it's just there. Or here. Who knows what it is anymore. I sure don't. Wish I did. That would be nice. Oh well... I'm sure I'll figure something out eventually.

Contact Manager

Been working on a Contact Manager. It's almost done... well the main part is almost done. I'm sure I'll figure more to add to it. There are still a few things I need to implement. Adding / modifying users comes to mind. But yes, there's more I can do with the project for sure.

Come to think of it, I should comment my code more. Sure there are some comments and all, but if someone wanted to modify it... yeah not sure how helpful the comments would be.


Oh how life is easy... that's what you'd want to believe.

Spam Spam Spam

Oh Spam. Honestly where do you even come from? So annoying. So crazy.

Not even sure why you are around. I guess you're there to annoy people and whatnot. Yeah all of that. So no. I do not like you spam. You are evil and will never understand what it's like not to be spam.

So yes, you may go now.

Refreshing The Window Opener

So here's a simple problem I had earlier this week while working on a personal project.

I had a webpage in an iframe that spanwed a window. The new window would either add a record to the database or update an existing record. The page that opened the window would then reflect the updated data.

Well for a while I tried various different things. Then I finally came upon the correct way to do it:


So after I do my updates or additions, I run that code and it refreshes the data list and shows the new information.

Easy. As. Pie.


Why live in regret
when you have the opportunity to change

Why wallow in self pitty
when there can be so much more to do

Why is a strong word
go out and do

Life&#39;s Music

The music makes my head bop
it's of no importance
yet I feel good

Making my way through life
my head bops
just like I'm having fun

Getting it all done
understanding nothing
simply living life

Using like in a cfqueryparam

So there I was... attempting to figure out the best way to to a like clause in a query statement using the cfqueryparam tag.

I had it coded like this:

like <cfparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#arguments.search_criteria#">

Well that didn't work. So I did some googling. After a little bit of searching, I finally found out how it should be coded.

like <cfparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="%#arguments.search_criteria#%">

After laughing at how simple that was... I used it. Worked like a charm.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

MySQL DateTime

Been attempting to put a datetime variable into a MySQL Database via ColdFusion. For the life of me, I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong.

At first I tried:


For some reason that was only giving me the date and not the time.

Then I tried splitting up the date and time into two different fields, one for the date and the other for the time. Then I tried this code:



That gave me the date, but still not the time. Well I did some searching and then found there's a built in function in MySQL to do this. Why not.

Talk about simple:


Well guess what, it worked just like a charm.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Honestly, sometimes I think morning just comes way too early.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Oh amusing morning, when will you ever learn about whatever it is you're supposed to learn about? Yeah that, and other things. Mostly that.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Stress and Life

There's an interesting thing about life that not a lot of people worry about. Stress. They say there's good stress and bad stress. Yeah that.

Sometimes the bad stress takes its hold on you... leaving you helpless. Well you feel helpless, doesn't make any sense at times. One would think it would eventually make sense.

I wish it would make sense. Wish there was a simple way to just slow down and take a breath. But that's where the issues come into play. There isn't always the time to take a breath. Taking a breath can make you think and stress even more.

I hate that feeling... trapped Ya can't move, there's nowhere to run.

Yeah... got to stop thinking tonight for sure.


Thinking about overwhelming things right now. Not any fun.


Finally heading to lunch. I wonder what it is I'll actually get... something yummy for sure. Perhaps something on the spicy side? Maybe. Possibly something Mexican, or a sandwich. Oh yes a sandwich would taste good about now too.


Thinking about lunch right now... oh how lunch would be good.

Monday, January 9, 2012


Honestly? I don't think some people actually understand anything... wow. What a crazy world we live in.


So wanting to go to bed right now. Oh how nice that would be But well there's a couch... hmmm might just have to take the couch.

Penguin Speaks

To Be a penguin, one must realize how much of a penguin they are. Not everyone understands what it is to be a penguin... others just must simply be.

Monday Is Over

Well there went another Monday... it's now over. Can't complain at all regarding that. Kinda glad the day is over. Of course when the day ends that means that the night only begins.

So what does that mean about it all? Eh not much, it's just life... pretty much it.

As all Monday's do... it's the start of a new week. New weeks mean that the old week is no longer around... sure memories are there and all, but well that's the end of that.

So this week... we'll see how it all goes.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Watching tv... Storage Wars to be exact. Good times... good times for sure.


Thinking about dinner... oh how dinner would be good right about now.

Ah Weekend

The weekend was good to me. At least I think it was good to me. Can't complain regarding it. It was just a weekend. Got to relax and just sit back and do nothing. Yes that's what I did indeed.

Tomorrow starts a new workweek. Good times to be had for sure. So glad that for all of the things that I have in life. Not the material things, but more along the lines of security etc.

To recap what I did... watched a movie, watched some TV. Worked on some WordPress template stuff... and yep just did nothing. But I already said that now didn't I?

Yeah well... that's it.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Multidimensional Arrays

Ah Multidimensional Arrays. Nothing too crazy in JavaScript. Just a little bit of this and that.

So typical arrays are fun and easy. You create them like so:

var colors = new Array();
colors[0] = "Red";
colors[1] = "Yellow";
colors[2] = "Blue";

Well that's fine and dandy, but what if you want to associate something with each of those? For example, what if you wanted to create a menu? You'll need at minimum a link name and a target. We could do something like this:

var colors = new Array();
colors[0] = new Array();
colors[0][0] = "red.htm";
colors[0][1] = "Red";

colors[1] = new Array();
colors[1][0] = "yellow.htm";
colors[1][1] = "Yellow";

colors[2] = new Array();
colors[2][0] = "blue.htm";
colors[2][1] = "Blue";

function createColors() {
document.write('<ul id="colors">');
for (var i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) {
var link = colors[i][0];
var title = colors[i][1];
var link_title = '<li><a href="' + link + '">' + title + "</a></li>";

Then we would call it like this:

<script type="text/javascript">

Of course you could add more things, like an id, a title... whatever else you would need.

CSS Menu

Here's a fun little css stylesheet that one can use for menus.

The CSS for the menu is:

#menu {

#menu a {
border:1px solid #fff;

#menu a:hover {
border:1px solid #000;

Which you can use with the following html:

<ul id="menu">
<li><a href="#">Link One</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Link Two</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Link Three</a></li>

This will producde a simple menu that when hovered over will display a black box around the menu item.

Of course you can change the background color, or the font etc. to whatever you need it to be. Ah the simplicity that is CSS.

Star Trek: Nemesis

Watching this little gem of a movie today... surround sound of course.

Upon viewing it... the whole idea of having a clone of Picard really is a good idea for a story. Of course I would have loved for them to take it a little differently.

Something along the lines of having the clone be the age of Picard. They could have done some really good stuff there. Half the movie could have been following the clone around the Enterprise etc. and then we find out it's a clone.

Yep something like that for sure.

But it's still a great flick. I enjoy it.

Friday, January 6, 2012

The For Loop

There are two types of for loops in Java. Your traditional loop:

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {


Or the advanced loop that will loop through items in say an array:

for (String s : stringArray) {


Let's go through both of these examples and see what comes of it.

First, let's create a String Array for the loops to process.

String[] strArray = {"one", "two", "three"};

Simple enough. Just an array containing three values of one, two and three.

With the traditional for loop, you would loop through the array like this:

for (int i = 0; i < strArray.length; i++) {

As you might have guessed, it outputs the three values:


Now, let's do the same thing, but using the other for loop. Sometimes this loop is called a For Each loop.

for (String s : strArray) {

Again we get the three values:


I prefer the new method myself. It comes in handy. But there are times that you'll want to use the traditional for loop, (for example if you want to run through a Multidensional Array).

Happy Coding!


Friday decided to come. Can't complain about that at all. Looking forward to just relaxing at home during the weekend and all of that fun stuff. Oh yes good times indeed.

You'd think I'd be able to get away from the computer during the weekend. Well no. That's not always the case. I usually tend to program and just have fun. Hobbies are always a good thing, programming happens to be mine. So that's what I do.

I should come up with some ideas this weekend for projects and other things to work on. That would be neat. Of course writing a story would also be well accepted. Yes story writing is a must.

That's what I'll do, start a new story. See where it goes.

Projects Page

Created a Projects page. You can access it through here.

Nothing too special, so far only one project exists on it. The XML project that I talked about earlier.

If it's useful to people great. If not that's okay as well. Just something I felt like working on.

Java XML Documents

So I was looking into creating XML documents. Of course you could use the default that comes with Java or you could use JDom. I've used both methods in the past, and they both work quite well.

Got me thinking though, why not approach the creation of an xml document as a StringBuffer? Could be useful if you don't need to have a DOM to work with. Something simple to just output the xml document in a very simple text format.

I'm currently working on it. Possibly more just a proof of concept.

We'll see how it all turns out.

Recovering Old Projects

I was looking through some old folders the other night and stumbled upon a bunch of code that looked like they were starts to projects that never came to anything.

It was interesting to see the different kinds of ideas I had going, and then for some reason or another just stopped.

I'm wondering if any of these are projects that I should pick back up or not. Should be an interesting journey. Well not to mention it would be nice to clear out the junk and clutter that doesn't need to be there anymore.

So yep something to do for sure.

Looked over my HTML project. I should revive that one for sure and at least post the existing source code that I have. That'll be my next step.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Daily Grind

At work doing work stuff
shuffling papers
and the like

Waiting for lunch
and then time to go
more than a paycheck I know

Staring at the ceiling
thinking of life
listening to things
that don't make sense

It's worth something
that's for sure
what it is
somedays haven't a clue

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Place To Live

A place to live
a place to find
a place to call my own

Something in the distance
far far away
where only my mind can go

Needing something
to call my own
someplace to rest in peace

If only for a moment
to feel that gift
of quiet in soft release


Doesn't feel like I have time to do anything anymore. Especially writing stories.

Need to find a way to figure that out... how to just dive in and start writing things, stories... poetry... whatever I can write. Lots an lots of writing.

Ideas are not always easy to come by of course. So I'll have to do some thinking on those as well.

I suppose I'll just see what happens. Get some ideas together and just see what rolls off the tip of my pencil.


Laying my head on the pillow
I begin to dream

Something of this and something of that
nothing makes sense to my awake mind

So my sleeping mind
it will make all the things make sense

A play, a film, music plays
whatever my mind thinks up, it's there

Life unknown, stories untold
the truth and mystery remain

So to dream I say goodnight
may it be interesting

Previous Life

There I sat on the beach
watching as the waves crashed against the rocks
a peaceful day for sure

Sea otters doing their dance
on the ocean they would play
silly otters

Whales swimming around
doing their whale thing
living the dream

In a past life
I was me
yet I wasn't me

I enjoyed it all
and lived my dream
something different for sure

Now I am a different person
trapped in this new life
waiting or something

Or maybe waiting for someone
someone with the answers
to the life that I once lived

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Sleepy time is here
night time wants me
my pillow beckons me
and my bed awaits
too late for dreaming
tomorrow will be here soon
so sleep I  must find
and sleep I has needs

Monday, January 2, 2012

Just Live

Don't worry about the past
if you've learned from it

Don't worry about the far future
the close future will probably change it

Don't worry about the small stuff
when there are bigger fish to fry

Simply live your life
until the day you die

Oh Life

Second day of January. Talk about good times. Didn't have to work today, tomorrow work starts all over for the New Year.

Sometimes all ya have to do is smile at life. Once you can do that and laugh at yourself? Life will be a good ride. Of course it's not always easy, but shoot if you believe in yourself, the sky is the limit!

Living Life

A day off
time to reflect
living this life
no regrets
understanding everything
believing nothing
knowing even less
enjoying it all

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Remember the simple times
the easy times of life
recall to your mind when things are rough
those fun times will return
so sit back and watch
as the coaster of life takes shape
carefully guide yourself through it
just don't let misery take flight
those joyful times will be back
they'll return to you again
ya have to go through the hard times
to grow and become strong

Had Life Been Different

Oh life, had you been different
you wouldn't be the same
the lessons learned
the tears fought through
all would be forgotten
knowing nothing
and learning nothing
how silly you'd become
I prefer the lessons
I love the heartache
I need the loneliness at times
dear life you mean so much to me
you're not an easy road
I'll give you that
but you're a road for sure

One Program Multiple Platforms

They've been doing it in regular desktop apps for years. Why not do the same for web apps?

Here's what I'm thinking. Create a project and code it in the main languages that people use for websites.

Honestly, would it be that difficult? I don't understand why people don't do this. Aside from the fact that they don't know more than one language maybe?

So let's say you have a blogging platform. Why not code it for PHP, ColdFusion, JSP, Perl etc.? (Lets not bring ASP into the mix... but I suppose to be fair we should.)

So yep, that is my question for the morning. Why not do that?

It makes sense to me... of course it might be the high quantity of caffeine in my system at the moment. But that's besides the point.

If you were to code your project in the different web programming languages... made sure that they all looked the same. Just ran differently under the hood. Shoot. I'm loving this idea!

So Far So Good

Well, day one of the new year... not too bad. Nothing truly eventful occurred. It was just life as usual. Of course I hadn't planned on anything really great happening. It is just life afterall.

Probably time to take the Christmas tree down. Yeah... however the cats to appear to enjoy it. Will have to think that one through for sure. Silly kitties, having their fun and all of that.

Speaking of the cats, I'm amazed at how well they get along with the dog. Such good animals they all are.

Tomorrow is the second day. We'll see how that goes.

Bed Time.


Ah to be free
as a bird on the clouds
a fish in the ocean

To let it all go
without a care in the world
to live and breathe as I wish

Instead I shackle myself
binding myself here in these thoughts
this life, these memories

Someday I'll learn
I'll figure it all out
and be free... I'll understand what that is


They call it falling in love
I wonder what that means
doesn't make sense some days
especially how it feels

Missing that friend
from so long ago
falling was the easy part
I think it was so

In the end they left
never to speak to
or hear from again
such was life

Life continues
yet everything

Sex Day

Once spent the whole day in bed. Didn't do anything but have sex, cuddle, nap, and watch some tv.

Seriously it was one of the best days ever just to relax and cuddle and fuck. Didn't have to worry about any responsibilities.

Yep truly was a good day for sure.

Saying Goodbye

Ah that most difficult word to say
to someone who makes your day
goodbye, it hurts no matter the cost

A weird word
a final word
a word that has meaning

Something to reflect on
sure enough
but not to drown you

So goodbye to the old
and in with the new
its how life begins
and how life renews

2012 A Lazy Day

So 2012, you came like you wanted
with the drop of a ball
and some flare as you do

January 1st is my lazy day I've decided
still sitting in bed having fun
doing whatever I please

I hope 2012 will be something exciting
not like 2011 which was quite boring

So 2012, you better be good
don't be dinking around on me
and playing under mah hood


Well 2012 came in last night.

Not exactly certain what I think about the new year yet. I'm sure it will be full of whatevers and everything else that has to do with whatevers.

Typical for a new year to do that to ya.

I'd like to say that there were lots of memorable moments in 2011... but well I'm not sure I can recall all of them. So I won't even attempt. Simply on the fact that I might miss a few.

So, here's to 2012! Let's hope it's a good year.

Ever feel like no one is listening?

 Ever have that feeling that no one is listening to you? Yeah, that feeling. It can be a strong feeling to have, a hurtful feeling also. The...