In orbit high above Earth was Earth Station McKinely, a docking port designed for new starship development projects. At this time, the completed Galaxy-Class Refit was docked awating its first shakedown cruise. Like its predecessors, this Enterprise was the federation's flagship. It's registry was NCC-1701-E and people looked up to it, every captain in Starfleet wanted to command this ship, but this honor was reserved only for Captain Jean-Luc Picard.
Picard was on a runabout at the moment with the rest of the senior staff. They were heading towards the Enterprise to begin their tour of duty starting off by inspecting the ship itself. Picard looked out the window, across from the Enterprise was the saucer section of his other Enterprise. Starfleet had deemed that Enterprise and its experimental five nacelle design a failure. She was to be decommissioned within the next two days. They way that Starfleet was to decommission the vessel was not an honorable "death" for a starship. Picard had insisted that he be allowed to destroy it by photons, but Starfleet insisted that it would be dismantled and its parts used as scrap for other projects.
Outside, the Runabout Galileo approached the main shuttlebay. Commander Data was sitting at the helm of the vessel. "Galileo to Enterprise, requesting permission to come aboard."
There was a small pause. Admiral Nechayev's voice came over the comm channel. "Runabout Galileo, this is Enterprise, request accepted."
Data was starting to key in the sequences to take the Galileo directly to the shuttlebay, but Picard stopped him. "Mr. Data, do a fly by of the Enterprise, I want to get to know her a little better.
Data then keyed in new sequences. The runabout made a sharp turn and flew around the Enterprise like Picard had ordered. After the runabout had finished flying around the vessel, Data keyed in something that Picard had not accepted. He ordered the Runabout to do some side over side rolls. Picard looked to him, "Mr. Data? What was that for?" Data looked back to Picard and gave an answer. "I thought it was appropriate sir." Picard smiled. If it had been any other officer, Picard would have had him fired by now, but Data was trying to figure out humanity and Picard was his teacher, so he let it go. "Very well Mr. Data, now lets get on with this ceremony, and into space."
The runabout then made a graceful landing in the shuttlebay. The shuttlebay was set up with a podium, there was also around 300 people in attendance as well as the Federation News Service. Picard and the other six senior officers exited the Galileo. Picard was the only one to approach the podium. Admiral Nechayev was standing by him, in her hand was a PADD which she handed over to Picard.
Picard read the information outloud so all could hear. "To Captain Jean-Luc Picard, you are ordered to take command of the I.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-E as of Stardate 50013.6, signed Admiral Nechayev, Starfleet Command." Picard then turned to Nechayev and acknowledge that he would take command of the vessel.
Nechayev turned her head to the comm interface "Computer, transfer command codes to Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Authorization Nechayev Delta seven one nine."
The computer beeped and then reported "I.S.S. Enterprise now under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard."
Nechayev turned to Picard again. "Would you like the honor of putting the Enterprise on Active Duty?"
Picard jumped at the chance, "Yes Sir. I'd like that very much." He paused and then look up to the interface. "Computer, this is Captain Picard." The computer beeped. Picard continued. "Place the Enterprise on Active Duty." The computer beeped again. "I.S.S. Enterprise is now on Active Duty, its mission boldly go where no one has gone before."
Picard turned his attention back to the assembled crew. "Attention!" Everyone in the room went to attention, except for Admiral Nechayev who outranked Picard. Picard walked by the crew members as if he was inspecting them. Many of his old crew had requested reassignment, these people were now new to him, but he was sure that he would get to know them soon enough. After he finished walking around, he went back to the front of the shuttlebay, he then looked over to Riker and nodded his head. Riker understood what Picard wanted and said "Dismissed." Everyone in the room exited, leaving Nechayev and Picard and his senior officers alone with the runabout.
Nechayev walked up to Picard. "Nicely done captain." Picard nodded in agreement, "Thank you Admiral, we're having a welcome party in the observation lounge, I was wondering if you would like to join us?"
Nechayev shook her head. "I'm afraid I can't make it, another time maybe." Picard nodded his head. Nechayev started to walk towards the door, stoped and tuned around. She looked back at Picard, "Jean-Luc, this is a new ship. Don't wreck her like you did your other one." Picard nodded his head again. "Yes Sir." Having said that, Nechayev turned and walked to the door, it opened to reveal two security guards standing in the hallway. She walked passed them and they followed her down to the transporter room where she would leave the ship.
Back in the shuttlebay, members of the Federation News Service walked up to Picard. Picard recognized the reporter, it was Jake Sisko, Captain Benjamin Sisko's son. Jake had a PADD in his hand. "Captain Picard, can you tell us a little about what really happened with that other vessel a few weeks ago?" Picard was not in the mood to talk, "Not right now Mr. Sisko." Jake didn't back off, he stood his ground. "But captain! This story would..." He was cut off by Picard's cold glare. "Look, I gave you one chance, I'm not going to give you anot... wait, why don't you and your crew stay onboard for a while, I might decide to talk to you later." Jake smiled. "Thank you captain." Then he exited the shuttlebay.
Picard then turned to his senior staff, he didn't need to explain himself to them. "Well, now that that's over with, lets get up to the bridge." They turned and walked out the door.
* * *
On the bridge, the crew had just finished testing systems, they were now ready to leave. Picard walked down from the aft stations to his command chair. He noticed something different about the command areas arrangement, there were now three chairs instead of the standard two, and his chair was raised up a little more than the others. He sat down, by him were Riker and Troi. Picard looked at the viewscreen and said "Mr. Worf, hail the dock master and request permission to leave."
Worf did as he was ordered and reported. "Request approved."
Picard smiled, he liked it when things ran smoothly. "Set course one-oh-nine mark eight and engage at warp six."
The ensign that sat at helm laid in the course, the Enterprise jumped into warp. Picard stood up and walked into his Ready Room, as he was leaving he said. "You have the bridge Number One."
In his Ready Room, Picard was sitting at his desk reading Julius Caesar by William Shakspere. He was at the part where Caesar was finally figuring out, while he was dying, that his most trusted friends had plotted against him and it was too late to do anything. "What an idiot!" Picard yelled aloud, "How could he not see that coming?"
Picard was interrupted when Riker's voice came through the comm channel. "Riker to Picard, Emergency Distress Call from Earth." Picard was startled, something was definitely wrong. Earth usually didn't send out distress calls. "Put it through in here."
Picard put the book down and activated his monitor. The message that played was a recording. It was Admiral Nechayev, the message was pretty garbled but Picard understood what it said, it looked like Nechayev didn't have time to say much. It said, "Maquis..." and then some stuff he couldn't make out and then "Earth." Picard stood up The Maquis, he thought... He then hit his comm badge "Picard to bridge, Red Alert."
When Picard walked onto the bridge, he immediately went to Riker. Riker could tell there was something wrong, mostly because the ship just went to Red Alert. Riker stood up "Captain..." was all he could get out before Picard started giving orders. "All hands to battle stations, engage the cloaking device."
Outside, the Enterprise faded until the only thing visible were stars.
Back on the bridge, Picard turned to his chair and puched up a sequence to open a comm channel. "Senior officers report to the conference lounge." He then closed the channel.
* * *
On Earth, everything that could go wrong, had gone wrong. Cities were in flames, people were running everywhere trying to get away from the Maquis. Some fought back but were killed, the dead were lying the streets. Then the I.S.S. Defiant hovered over Paris France. Two men beamed down, one had a tattoo on his head, the other was bald. Their names were Chakotay and Ben Sisko. They activated their personnel transporters and disappeared.
They reappeared in the presidents office. A guard at the door was ready for them but he didn't succeed in stopping them. Chakotay pulled out his phaser and fired. The man was vaporized instantly. Sisko looked over to Chakotay, "I didn't want anyone dead!"
Chakotay didn't care what Sisko had to say. "It's too lat for that."
The president stood up. "Gentlemen, can't we discuss this?"
Chakotay walked up to the president and pushed him back in his chair. "Don't you ever do something without my permission again!"
Sisko looked to the president. "Of course we can discuss this. We are angry and now we are going to get payback for what you did!"
The president was confused. "What are you talking about?"
Sisko rolled his eyes. "As if you didn't know! Chakotay please explain to him."
Chakotay walked over to the window to check on things. "He saw something he didn't like. "Tell your men to get away from this building or I'll have it destroyed!"
The president stood up. "But there are civilians in this building, women and children..." He was cut off.
Chakotay said it again. "Tell them to stand down!"
The president did so. He pushed a button on his desk, "You heard him, I suggest you do as he says." On the other end of the bug, Commander Shelby replied "Yes Mr. President."
When Chakotay was satisfied that they were now alone, he started to talk. "Remember that incident on Dorvan Five?"
The president looked up. "Where the Indians on that world were forced to hand over their world to the Bajoran people?"
Chakotay nodded. "That's right, that's what started all of this. Bajor is the enemy, and you sided with them. Captain Sisko here lieft Starfleet because he couldn't take it anymore."
Sisko sat down in a chair. "When I was ordered to take command of Deep Space Nine, to help the Cardassians prepare for Federation membership, I actually thought that it would happen. But now, the Cardassians don't even have a chance. The Bajorans are just to powerful for them."
The president looked at both of them. "That doesn't explain why you are on Earth."
Chakotay walked to the desk. "We realized that our fight wasn't with the Bajorans, but with the Federation itself." He paused, looking around. "We want our lives back! The way it was supposed to be."
The president sat down. "We can discuss this like reasonable men, can't we?"
Chakotay and Sisko nodded. The president looked back to them. "Well, then why don't you call your people off so we can talk."
Sisko hit his comm badge. "Sisko to all teams, stand down for one hour."
The president looked up "Only one hour?"
Chakotay replied. "If we don't like what we hear in one hour, then we'll have to continue with our plan."
* * *
In the Enterprise's Conference Lounge, the senior staff were discussing the message that had been received. Riker looked over to Picard. "Sir, are you certain it's a Maquis take over?"
Picard looked back. "I assume that we should expect the worse, that because of the fact that the message was garbled, and the fact that there ahve been no replies to our messages, that the Maquis have taken Earth."
Worf had been looking over some reports on the ship. "Sir, I believe the question that should be asked is are we going back?"
Picard looked around. "Well..." He was cut off when a voice came through into the room. "Captain Picard, there's a message from Earth sir."
Picard was hoping that it was good news. "Pipe it in please." He turned around, the screen activated to show Chakotay, Sisko, and the President of the Federation.
Chakotay spoke. "To all members of the Federation Starfleet. The Maquis have taken Earth. We are your new leaders, and you have the honor of seeing our first action of rulers of that new leadership." Sisko turned his phaser onto the Federation's former president and fired. It was not a typical phaser blast, this was designed to kill the victim slowly and painfully. All of the senior officers looked away with pain, except for Data who could show no emotion because he had no emotions to give off. When the president was dead, Chakotay concluded his speech. "Welcome to a new era, the Maquis Era." With that said, the channel closed.
Picard looked to his friends. "Now there is no doubt, we have to do something. Suggestions..."
Data spoke up. "I suggest we get a long range sensor scan of Earth. To see how many Maquis Raiders we are up against."
Picard hit his comm badge. "Picard to bridge."
A Female voice came through the signal "Commander Monroe here."
Picard continued with his orders. "Take us out of warp, disengage the cloaking device, and conduce a long range sensor sweep of Earth, then have your findings brought to me."
All Monroe said was "Yes sir, out." The comm line went dead. After a couple of minutes, Monroe walked in with the requested information on a PADD. She handed it to Picard and headed for the door. Picard stopped her by saying "Commander, sit down." She stopped in her tracks and turned around with a puzzled expression. "Yes sir." She sat down at the end of the table by Worf.
Back at the head of the table, Picard was ready to continue. He stood up and put the information from the PADD into the computer. The information was then displayed on the screen. It had a picture of Earth with a lot of Maquis raiders around it. It also had text describing how many there were.
After Picard studied the image, he turned back to his crew. "It says here that there are one hundred and twenty six raiders and a Defiant class Starship."
"That traitor!" Riker started, "He stole the Defiant!"
Picard looked over to Riker, "I wouldn't be that way Tom, remember that your counterpart in that other universe stole their Defiant."
Riker looked down as if to say Sorry I mentioned it.
Picard looked down the table to Monroe. "Commander, you served with Sisko and Chakotay for several months, can you give any insights as to how they will react to a fleet of starships going against them?"
Monroe looked back at Picard. "Well, Chakotay would probably destroy Earth itself, but Sisko wouldn't let him do it. Sisko isn't really into killing people." She paused, "But if Chakotay is really driven, he will do it."
Picard nodded. "Well let's not let that happen, you're dismissed commander." Monroe headed to the bridge. Picard continued, "Now lets..."
He was cut off when he saw a Sovereign-class vessel decloaking directly behind the Enterprise. The Red Alert Klaxon had sounded again. Commander Monroe called in. "Monroe to Picard, report to the bridge." Picard and his senior staff exited the Conference Lounge."
On the bridge, Picard sat down in his command chair. "Can you Identify that vessel Mr. Data?"
Data checked the computer, "It is the I.S.S. Davis, NX-1979".
Picard called to drop out of warp, and to deactivate the cloaking device. The Davis did the same.
Picard looked at the viewscreen and thought, what a beautiful vessel "Mr. Worf, hail them." Worf did so without success. "No response sir."
A couple of minutes later, Worf's panel beeped. "Sir, we are being hailed."
Picard stood "On screen."
The I.S.S. Davis was replaced by the image of Admiral Paris. "Jean-Luc, my sensors show that you have your weapons trained on me, I hope this isn't personal."
Picard looked back to Worf. "Stand down from Red Alert." Worf did so, when the ship stood down, the weapons lock died also.
Paris checked his controls. "That's better."
Picard was ready to continue, "What is this about Admiral?"
Paris shook his head. "Not through an open comm channel, beam aboard my vessel with your senior staff immediately." Picard nodded and the channel was closed.
* * *
On the transporter pad of the I.S.S. Davis, Picard and his senior staff materialized.
Paris walked up towards them. "There isn't time for the usual procedure captain." he looked to the computer interface. "Paris to computer" the computer beeped. "Change the call sign of the I.S.S. Davis to I.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-E. The computer beeped again and said "I.S.S. Davis is now I.S.S. Enterprise." Picard clearly didn't understand but he didn't interrupt until the Admiral was finished. Paris continued. "Computer, transfer the following crew members to the Enterprise." The computer waited, "Commander Thomas Riker as Executive Officer, Lt. Commander Data as Operations Officer, Lt. Commander Worf as Tactical Officer, Commander Deanna Troi as Security Chief, Commander Beverly Crusher as Chief Medical Officer, Lt. Commander Geordi LaForge as Chief Engineer, and Captain Edward Jellico as Commanding Officer, authorization Paris Beta-two-six." The computer beeped again and said, "Crew changed, commanding officer is now Captain Edward Jellico."
Picard was still shocked. "Admiral? Why am I not in command anymore?"
Paris looked to Picard "I have another mission for you captain. You are to take your old saucer section into Cardassian space and bring reinforcements."
Picard nodded "Aye sir, I won't let you down."
* * *
Outside, Picard's old ship decloaked, it was a saucer section with two warp nacelles on top.
On the bridge of that ship, Picard sat in the command chair. Next to him was his temporary first officer, Commander Monroe. Seated at operations was a Trill, she was a Lt. Commander, her name was Jadzia Dax. His CMO was just the EMH for sickbay, but it had a field medic, a Lt. Bashir. Picards helm officer was Lt. Tom Paris, the Admirals son. Picard was glad to be aboard his old ship, but he wanted his senior officers back. He looked up to the tactical station, it was vacant. "Commander Dax, who is the tactical officer?"
Dax turned to face him. "Lt. Yar sir."
Picard looked back in shock, he hadn't seen Yar for nine years, she had requested a reassignment. Picard stood up. "Computer, has Lt. Yar come on board yet?" The computer beeped. "Affirmative". Satisfied, Picard then walked to helm. "Lay in a course for Cardassia, engage at maximum warp."
Paris keyed in the sequence and the ship went into warp.
Back on the Sovereign-class Enterprise-E, Jellico was ready for action, but there was one problem and he was about to find out what it was. "Helm, se a course for Earth and eng..." He was cut off when Data interrupted him.
"Sir." Data began, "we cannot head for Earth, our orders were very clear. We have to wait until Captain Picard arrives with reinforcements."
Jellico looked back with distaste. "How long will that be?"
Data answered his question. "Assuming they will be going at maximum warp, it will take them six months to make a round trip."
Jellico didn't like what he heard. "Very well, set a course for Saturn and engage at warp five."
The Enterprise and the Davis went into warp, leaving only space behind. The months under Maquis rule, the months of hell had begun.
To Be Continued...
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