Beep Beep
"Come" Picard said reacting to the door chime.
Commander Troi walked into the room with a PADD in her hand. "What's the meaning of this?" She asked.
Picard looked to his ship's counselor with a puzzled expression. "The meaning of what?"
"I've been assigned to the Starship Milienche." Troi tossed the PADD into Picard's lap for him to review. "First Tom, now me. Who's next?"
* * *
Commander Thomas Riker stepped from the Transporter Pad and trained a phaser on his target. A Cardassian man stood before him shocked as ever. Not expecting the commander, he ran to hide behind a console and call for security. Riker fired his weapon and watched as the man incinerated before his eyes. he call to security didn't happen.
"Intruder alert." A male cardassian computer voice called out.
Riker tapped his communicator, "I'm in, but don't have much time." He walked over to the transporter console and checked the readout. He was about to have company. He pressed a few buttons and stood on the transporter pad again. "Transport me to section 49 Delta." Riker said.
"Understood." A female voice said through the open commlink.
As the transporter activated, several Cardassian guards burst through the doors from the main corridor, but were too late. Riker was gone.
On another section of the ship, Riker re-materialized. Allowing a second for his eyes to focus in the darkness, Riker pulled out a tricorder and made several scans. He started to walk around the room. From it looks of it, he was standing in a cargo hold.
"Tessa to Riker."
Riker tapped his communications badge, "Riker here."
"Have you found it?"
"No, not yet" was the reply. As Riker continued to walk around his tricorder made a faster beeping noise. "Standby, I think I have something." He followed the directions of the Tricorder indicating a lifeform. After another second or two he came to a large container used to ship Kanar, a drink favored by the Cardassians. He scanned the container and smiled. "I have it." Riker sat on the container, "Transport me and the object I'm sitting on, to the hold. Riker out."
He and the cargo container vanished with the transporter beam.
Picard walked through the corridor at Starfleet Headquarters towards the admiral's office. As he approached, two security officers stepped in front of him blocking his path.
"You are not authorized to be here." One of the officers said, "I suggest you go back where you came from."
Picard smiled, "That's all I wanted to know, thank you lieutenant." He turned and started walking the other way.
The officer exchanged a confused look with the other officer and they both fell to the deck unconscious.
Picard lowered his phaser and entered the office. "Admiral, I want an explanation."
Admiral Paris looked up from a computer terminal and switching it off said: "Captain, you need to work on that temper of yours."
Picard held out the data PADD Troi had given him to Paris, "Why?"
Paris scanned the PADD and nodded "Because I was ordered to." He handed the PADD back to Picard, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have work to do."
Picard set the PADD back down on the desk, "Admiral, you have promised my crew a vessel and yet you separate us. I'm going to need a better answer than you were ordered to."
"Alright captain," Paris said, "But you won't like it."
Picard stood firm, "I'm listening."
Paris pointed to a chair, "Have a seat."
Picard didn't budge.
"Very well." Paris sighed, "There are several officers within Starfleet that think you and your crew are a bit unorthodox when it comes to Starfleet policy. We believe that you and your crew could benefit from working with officers aboard other vessels to understand how to behave like Starfleet Officers."
Picard nodded, the admiral had been correct. He didn't like that answer. "And what if my officers refuse the transfer?"
"Then they will be dismissed from their duties, stripped of rank, and will live out the rest of their lives as civilians." Paris paused, "But we know that won't happen, your Commander Riker has already set the standard and others will follow."
"Is that so?" Picard said more to himself than the admiral, "You're up to something besides loyalty admiral." He used the officers rank loosely. "I'll get to the bottom of this." He turned and exited the office.
Paris sighed, "Dismissed."
* * *
Riker re-materialized aboard a Federation Starship. "I believe this belongs to you?"
Two officers approached the container Riker was sitting on. As he walked away, they started making scans. "This is it." One of them said. "Transfer it to Sickbay."
Riker shook his head, "No I don't think so, not yet. Where I come from, we get paid for our services." Riker held out a hand palm up and held a phaser in the other. "You're not taking that container anywhere, not without my conscent."
The officer closed his tricorder and looked to Riker with disbelief. "Commander, this is a Federation vessel, not a pirate ship." He said, "There is no reward."
Riker pressed a few buttons on his phaser, "This is set to stun, for now. I suggest you get my payment."
The commander shook his head, "That phaser won't work. I had it deactivated when you beamed aboard." He took the phaser from Riker.
Riker dropped his hands, "Very well." He said, "But that cargo is my property."
The commander shook his head again, "What don't you understand?" He asked, "You are not part of this crew for profit, you follow our mission orders without pay or reward, is that understood?"
Riker slowly nodded his head, "Yes." He didn't mean it, he only wanted the commander to shutup. He walked over to the transporter console and accessed a few buttons. The container dematerialized from the transporter pad. "It's in Sickbay."
The commander smiled, "Very good, Mr. Riker." He exited the room.
Tessa approached Riker, "Don't worry about him, he's just..."
Riker nodded, "Yeah I know." He looked to the transport platform where the cargo container had been. Thinking of the Cardassian vessel, Riker remembered something he had read across while accessing his personnel file. It was something about his counterpart being held in a cardassian prison for... something. Riker exited the transporter room and headed for his quarters.
As he entered his quarters, Riker locked the door. "Lights." As the room lit up, he walked over to a computer terminal and sat down. "Computer, display Personnel file. Riker, William T."
The computer beeped, "There are currently three files on record."
Riker scrolled through the file titles, one was his own. Another file was an officer that had been disposed when the Q entity placed him and the Enterprise in the universe. The third file was the one he wanted. It was sealed at the moment. Riker opened a desk drawer, pulled out a device and held it up to the computer console. "Access File ID 4701 Beta."
The computer beeped again, "Enter authorization code."
Riker activated the device in his hand sending the needed authorization codes to the computer. As the file was released, it started scrolling down the screen. "Pause." Riker ordered. He read the information before him. Like in his universe, Tommas Riker was apprehended by the Cardassian Government and placed in prison. He had been on a mission with the Maquis to get secrets from the Cardassian Government. Except in this univese, the Obsidian Order were't hiding anyting from Central Command. "His mission was in vain." Riker said as he continued to read through the information. Riker stood from his chair and exited his quarters.
Riker entered sickbay. Three security officers were surounding the cargo container. When they noticed the commander they each rested their hands on their phasers. Riker walked by them shaking his head, he didn't care about the container anymore.
"Mr. Riker?" A voice said from behind. Riker turned to see his commanding officer standing before him. "Is something wrong?"
Riker shook his head, "No sir. I was just curious about what you have found."
The man walked over to the container. "It's not the right one." He said, "We locked onto the wrong container."
Riker smiled, "You locked onto the wrong container?"
The captain nodded, "We had information that the container we beamed aboard had cargo that was smuggled away from the Federation Starship Ghandi. The readings were right, the Cardassians must have faked the readings."
Riker looked to the container, "Then what did we beam over?"
"Food supplies."
Riker laughed, "I wasted my time to get food supplies?" He said not believing his ears. "I suppose you want me to go back."
The captain nodded. "Yes."
"You want me to go through that long range transporter and risk my life again?"
Riker walked to the doors, "Give me some time to think about it." He exited Sickbay.
* * *
"He's up to something." Picard said to Crusher, "We just need to figure out what."
Crusher took a sip of her tea. "What do you have in mind." They were enjoing a light lunch.
"Considering what happened the last time we took matters into our hands, I'm not sure." Picard replied, "But we need to do something."
Beep Beep
Data and LaForge entered. "Captain" Data said, "We have received an encoded message from Commander Riker."
Picard and Crusher exchanged glances. "Go ahead Mister Data." Picard said.
"Commander Riker has been away from Earth for over two months now. During that time, he has been sent on more than a dozen missions that have put him in danger." Data said.
"We have reason to believe that Starfleet wants to eliminate us one by one." Geordi chimed in. "They've been running test experiments on a long range transporting device."
Picard nodded, "We need to get him out of there."
Crusher nodded, "Agreed, but how?"
Beep Beep
Picard looked to his door. "Come."
Worf stepped into the room. "Captain, I have acquired our Runabout from security."
Picard smiled, "Your idea?"
Worf shifted his weight, "On a hunch sir." He said, "She's ready to go on your command."
Picard nodded, "Where's Troi?"
Crusher set a napkin down on the table. "She's reported aboard her new assignment by now."
Data lifted a finger, "The Milienche is still in orbit. We still have time to catch up with her, sir."
Picard stood from the table, "Make it so." They exited his quarters.
A few minutes later, they were aboard a Federation Runabout. Picard and Data took the forward duty stations, and the others took the remaining stations. "Ready for launch." Data said.
Picard accessed a few controls, "Lay in a course for the Milienche, engage."
The Runabout headed away from San Francisco into orbit of Earth.
"Scanning for Betazoid lifesigns." Geordi said.
After a few minutes passed, the computer beeped. "Found her... wait a minute, looks like she's surrounded by security."
"This might not be as easy as we thought." Crusher admitted.
Worf shook his head, "Nonsense Doctor. It just means more fun for us." He growled preparing for battle.
Picard nodded in agreement, "Once we beam her off that ship they'll be able to track where the beam originated." He paused, "Suggestions."
Worf spoke up, "I will take care of it." He activated a device on his arm.
Picard turned to face his officer but was too late, Worf was already on the transporter pad and left the ship.
Worf re-materialized on a deck of the Milienche. He looked around the corner, two security officers were standing guard outside her quarters. He didn't have much time before his device scrambling the ship's sensors would go off-line and alert more security. Worf pulled out his phaser, took aim and took out one of the guards. As the other guard tapped his commbadge, Worf increased the dampening field on his armband; and listened as the guard's call to security didn't happen.
"Security, intruder alert!"
Worf ran around the corner and took the guard in a headlock. "One move and you die." He said. The main was in complete shock. Worf inched towards the door and opened it. "Deanna!" He said.
Troi came out of the room and looked to the officer on the deck, and then to the one in Worf's clutches. "What on earth?"
Worf held on as the man continued to struggle, trying to get away. "Let's go." He tapped his commbadge, "Worf to Data, three to beam back."
Worf, Troi, and the security guard appeared on the transporter pad. The man was still trying to get out of Worf's hold.
Picard nodded to Data, "Set a course for Riker's vessel, engage Warp Engines, maximum."
The vessel went into warp.
Crusher walked over to a storage unit and took out a medkit. "I'm sorry, but you'll have to be sedated." She gave the security guard a shot and watched as he went unconscious.
"Captain, we are being hailed, it's a general channel." Geordi said.
"Put it through the speakers." Picard said.
A static filled comm channel filled the cabin of the Runabout. "This is Commander Eddington of Starfleet Security. Picard, return to Earth Orbit. Return Commander Troi and the security guard."
Picard deactivated the comm channel, "Never." He scanned the panel in front of him, "We're at least three hours away from the coordinates."
"Think we'll make it?" Crusher asked.
Worf stood tall, "We have no other option."
"Three hours..." Troi said contemplating what could happen to Riker in that time period.
"Captain, Commander Riker has proposed a plan..." Data said.
Two Hours Later
Riker stood at the transporter console making sure everything was set up and ready to go. He still didn't like the idea of being transported over a few lightyears, even though he had been through the process a few dozen times. It was an untested principle and he was the test subject.
"You ready?" The commander that had helped Riker earlier asked.
Riker looked to him, "Where's Tessa?"
"Commander Lauren was called away to the Engine room to assist the Chief Engineer." He said, "I'll be performing the transport."
"You?" Riker asked. He didn't trust the man.
"Yes, if you'll please step onto the pad."
Riker walked over to the transport platform and stood on one of the pads. He crosses his fingers, as his superior activated the sequence Riker activated a small device and prayed that his friends got his message. He disappeared from the platform.
Riker made his last trip through the long range transporter on to the Runabout. He looked around and smiled. "Glad you got my message."
Data nodded, "Indeed."
Riker looked down to the deck, next to him was the body of the security officer. "Is he..."
"Dead?" Crusher finished his sentence, "No."
"We need to get rid of him." Riker said. "Ready the transporter, let's give them a taste of their own medicine."
Picard turned to his first officer, "That's not ethical commander." He said, "I know you want revenge, you're not the only one. But now is not the time."
Riker hesitated, "You don't know that they've put me thorugh the past two months."
Picard stood from his chair and placed a hand on Tom's shoulder, "Don't worry Tom, we'll get them."
"We need a ship first." Riker said, "And this isn't going to cut it."
Worf nodded, "We need the Enterprise, then our mission can continue."
"Commander Data, set course for Earth orbit. It's time we go to the bottom of things." Picard ordered.
"Aye sir." Data said.
One Hour Later
Troi watched out the Runabout's windows as the stars streaked by. She wondered what Starfleet would do to them once they arrived at Earth orbit. Would they shoot on site? No, this Starfleet wasn't like that. They would probably stand trial. Troi started to count out the various charges. Kidnapping three officers, disabling operations on a starship, attacking an officer while on duty... the list continued.
The alert klaxon came on. Picard sat up in his chair, "Report."
"A shuttle is in our direct flight path" Crusher said, "It looks like an Academy Flight Shuttle.
"What would they be doing this far out?" Troi asked.
Riker monitored the ship's sytems, "Our cloak is still active. They haven't detected us."
"Changing course." Data said. "Captain, the shuttle has also changed course, they are on an intercept course."
"All stop." Picard said.
"Aye sir." Data said, "Answering all stop."
Outside, the flight shuttle came along side the Runabout and parked exactly one meter away.
"We are being boarded." Data said.
Worf took out a phaser and directed it towards the person beaming in.
A few seconds later, Carol Picard stood before them. She looked towards Worf's direction and froze. "Should have called first huh?"
Worf lowered his phaser. "What are you doing here?"
Carol walked towards Picard, "Sir."
Picard stood from his chair, "Answer the Commander's question Ensign."
"I'm here to help." She said.
To Be Continued...
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