Sunday, December 25, 2011

Journey To Trust

Captain's Log Stardate 47990.3:
The Enterprise is heading towards Sector zero-zero-one to pickup Thomas Riker. A few years ago when we discovered his existance he murdered my first officer William Riker in cold blood. He was sentenced to stay 10 years at the Stockade on Mars, but has only served five months of that sentence.

"Computer," Picard said. "Pause."

The computer did so, and awaited further instructions. Picard was sitting at his desk in his ready room. As he stood from his desk, Picard allowed his mind to wander for a bit.

Why do I want this officer on my ship? Do I want to give him a second chance? Or is it something more? He shot my first officer, killed him. I shouldn't trust this man, could it be different?

Picard shook his head as he stopped pacing and looked at the wall, on it was a map of the Four Quadrants, Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Gamma. Picard longed to be exploring the distant Delta Quadrant, he even requested to be sent there along with a handsome amount of persuasion, but Starfleet had denied the request. Instead, they sent out a newer captain, freshly ranked... He started to pace again and tried to think of the captain's name that was given the assignment instead of him. Picard was interrupted when his comm badge beeped.

"Yes, what is it." Picard never liked to be bothered.

On the other end of the signal was his temporary first officer, Lt. Commander Data. "Captain," Data said "We have arrived at Sector-zero-zero-one, and are awaiting further orders".

Picard nodded and replied: "I'm on my way", he exited the ready room forgetting all about his unfinished log.

The bridge was of simple design. Two forward stations, Ops and Conn, a tactical station directly behind the Captain's and First Officer's Chairs which were more of a throne style than anything else. Behind the Tactical station were the aft duty stations: Engineering backup control, Environment, Secondary Operations, and Emergency Weapons Control (the largest of the stations). Commander Data and Commander Troi were sitting in the center command area.

As Picard entered everyone went to attention.

"At ease." He said. At his command, everyone on the bridge went back to what they were doing. Picard did not care for their show of loyalty, for he knew that they weren't loyal to him, except Data, and hopefully his new first officer would be loyal. Picard walked up to where Data was sitting.

The commander rose and Picard sat down in the command chair. He new the android was about to report the events while the captain was not on the bridge, Picard didn't feel like hearing the report, but he knew it was standard duty to do so. "Go ahead commander."

Data stated that there had been no problems and that the ship and crew were coming along just fine, and of course that they had arrived at Sector-zero-zero-one, which Picard already knew. After dismissing Data to his post at Operations, Picard stood up and walked to the Tactical Station where Lt. Commander Worf was standing.

Picard looked over Worf's shoulder, checking the Tactical display. "Commander, open a secure channel to the Stockade on Mars".

Worf activted a few controls "Hailing Frequencies open, Admiral Paris is responding".

"The admiral?" Picard said wondering why such a high ranking offical of Starfleet was at the Stockade. Usually lower ranking officers were in charge of the prison. "On screen."

Picard walked down back to his chair but did not sit down. Admiral Paris, a man in his late 40's appeared on the screen. Picard couldn't help but admire how Paris had become an admiral before he reached 41. Picard remembered the admiral's ceremony, in his speech he didn't exactly tell the audience that he had bought his way up to admiralship, but it was easy to read between the lines and figure it out.

Here was Picard, over 50 years old, was he an admiral? No, he was just a captain. Although, Picard had done well for himself. Not just anyone had the opportunity to command the flagship of the Federation... No, he was pleased to say that he made it there by himself, not needing anyone to help him through the ranks, although if Picard had needed help, it would have been available in an instant.

Paris smiled. "Jean-Luc, how are you doing these days?"

Picard smiled back. "I'm doing well admiral, and you?"

Paris laughed, "Jean-Luc, I may be on offical business but please tell me you haven't forgotten my first name." He held up a hand, "Never mind." Paris's face showed signs of stress. "It's been a very long 5 months. I can't seem to figure Riker out." he paused, "It just doesn't add up."

Picard let a smile, no it was more of a grin grow in his thoughts. He was the only other officer that Picard knew of Paris had said he couldn't figure out. A feeling that Tomas and he were going to get along. "Oh? How is that?"

Paris looked down at his desk, carefully thinking the words he was about to say. After thinking he returned his gaze to the screen. "Well, since he has been in here, he's been the best inmate in the whole stockade. For some reason, he hasn't been like what the reports say, he doesn't seem like a man who would kill another man in cold blood."

The words cold blood stuck with Picard, reminding him exactly what kind of man Riker was...

Paris continued with his report. "He was getting on my nerves. We tried to see what was behind that mask of his, but he wouldn't let us in. We tried everything from being kind to torture, we even tried to send him to another Stockade, but no one wanted him. Nothing worked. Now, I'm getting tired of him and so are the other inmates so that's the reason I'm releasing him to you."

Picard was puzzled. "Why are you in control of the Stockade admiral?"

Paris shook his head, "I lost a bet."

Picard chucked, "To a younger officer?"

Paris laughed back, "Who would of thought the Zelian war would only last a year."

Picard decided to change the topic back to the reason they were at Earth."When can we beam him aboard?"

"He will be released to you within twenty hours."

For some reason, Picard didn't like the sound of that. There must be a hidden agenda, he thought. "John, why so long of a delay? If you're ready to get rid of him now, why not just let us beam him up?"

Paris tapped his fingers on the desk and set the PADD down, "Since you're doing me a favor, why not return the deed?"

This peaked Picard's interest. "And what might that be?"

"Well," Paris began. "Starfleet has created a very special piece of equipment. It's still in the experimental stages. But they believe it will have great potential. The only problem is that they haven't had a ship nearby to test it on, that is until now."

Picard was really interested now, he dug deeper. "And, you think the Enterprise would be a good choice for this testing?"

"I'm positive." Now it was Paris's turn to smile. "The new invention is a Federation Cloaking device, I know what you're going to say, but I don't care."

Picard said it anyway. "Isn't that in violation with the new Romulan Treaty? Do you think that's wise?"

Paris leaned back in his chair and his smile grew wider, "Well, the way I see it is the Treaty with the Romulan's isn't official yet, and if it's not official, we can still do anything we want."

Picard sat down in his chair and smiled himself. "Well, then by all means admiral, begin the installation process."

Paris nodded. "I will captain. Now, aren't you glad you came to get Riker instead of going to the Delta Quadrant? Paris Out"

The viewscreen went blank, Picard didn't say anything, he just smiled.

* * *

Twenty hours later, Picard was standing in a turbolift in his dress uniform to greet aboard Riker. Standing next to him were Data and Troi. Data was there as a personal guard to protect the captain's life. Deanna was there to greet her Imzadi back out of prison. The turbolift stopped at deck 26 where the group got off. As they walked down the hallway, Picard tried to think about what he was going to say to this man, he didn't really know him but one thing was for sure now, he wanted him on his crew, he needed him. As they reached the transporter room, the doors opened, as they entered, Miles O'Brien was about to come to attention but Picard gestured to him not to.

"Mr. O'Brien, beam Mr. Riker aboard." Picard gave the order, not exactly knowing what kind of person Riker had turned out to be, had the stockade changed him from the man that Picard knew to some other kind of person? Only time will tell... Picard thought to himself as the transporter beam was activated.

Thomas Riker stood on the transporter pad, in stockade fatigues, looking directly into the eyes of first Captain Picard and then his lovely Imzadi. He picked up his bag which had the little affects he had, and stepped off of the transporter pad. "Thomas Riker reporting for duty... sir"

Picard looked at Riker and then looked over to Troi. He couldn't tell whether she wanted to see him again or not. "Welcome aboard Mr. Riker. I'll show you to your quarters."

Riker went up to Troi. Her gaze met his and she stared into his eyes. He looked back to her, not expecting what came next. He leaned down to give her a hug but got slapped instead. "That's for killing Will!" Troi yelled and then she left the transporter room.

Picard started to smile again. Troi was an enemy of his, now he had another man on his side. "Come with me, you'll want to get a duty uniform on."

* * *

After Picard had shown Riker to his quarters and he got cleaned up, they went to Ten-Forward for a reception to welcome Riker aboard. They were standing by the middle window in the room, in dress uniform, when the vessel went into warp. Riker stood back a little apparently shaken by going forward and actually seeing it happen.

"I must admit, I have to get used to that again." He said while regaining his breath.

Picard stared at the officer for a while and then looked around to see who decided to attend the little gathering. All of the senior officers were present and were sitting at different tables in the room. Picard walked to the middle of the room where a podium had been set up. Getting the officers attention and said: "I just wanted to welcome Mr. Riker aboard the Enterprise in front of you all, to show him and you that I do not hold anything against him for killing my former first officer." The words were a lie, Picard was still angry, but didn't want his other officers to know. "I also wanted to inform you of a change in the command structure of this ship."

There was a dead pause in the room, no one said a thing. They were all listening for the captain to finish his announcement and to see what was going to happen. Everyone expected Commander Data to be Picard's next first officer, it was the order of leadership aboard the Enterprise, and always had been.

Picard continued. "I have decided to reinstate Thomas's Starfleet Career and to make him my First Officer."

Riker stepped back a little, this was clearly not what he expected when he came onboard. Picard gestured him to come and stand by him. "Computer. Recognize Picard Jean-Luc, Alpha 2 Clearance."

The Computer beeped for a little while and then replied. "Alpha 2 Clearance verified."

"Note in ships log that the new first officer onboard the I.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D is Commander William Thomas Riker." Picard said looking up at the communication's interface.

The Computer made a few more beeps and then reported. "The first officer of the I.S.S. Enterprise is now Commander William Thomas Riker."

Picard shook Riker's hand. "Congratulations Mr. Riker, or should I call you Number One?"

Riker returned the hand shake with a grin. "Number One will do fine Captain."

With that, the ceremony was over. No one objected because Picard was the captain, and he was in the room at the time, he could do anything he wanted as long as it didn't interfere with the ship. "Number One, I would like to have a meeting with the senior staff at 03:00 hours. Arrange it."

Riker nodded his head and Picard left the room with his guard, Data in tow. Dr. Crusher stood up from where she had been sitting and walked over to Riker. "Well, congratulations. You really know how to mess thing up don't you!"

Riker clearly didn't understand. "What do you mean? What did I mess up?"

Crusher rolled her eyes in hatred. "Oh, don't play the wounded puppy with me. First you kill your twin and then you end up being the first officer on the flagship! What's next on your agenda? Captain maybe?"

Riker stepped back a little. "Listen, this wasn't my choice... I didn't want the position."

Crusher continued to walk towards Riker. "Oh, you didn't did you? Well, I guess we'll just have to toss you out an airlock then..."

The rest of the senior officers crowded around Riker. He was being cornered, and then Geordi spoke up. "Wait! Let's not hurt him. At least not yet. But there will come a time when we will get our revenge for Wills death! You'd just better watch your back Riker, or you might find yourself dead one day!"

The senior officers started to laugh. And then one by one they left the room leaving Riker there all alone.

* * *

It was now 03:00 hours, the senior officers were all sitting around the table in the conference lounge that was just off the main bridge. Geordi was standing by one of the wall viewers, it had a schematic of the Enterprise on it as well as a schematic of a cloaking device.

"As you can see" Geordi was explaining the cloaking device to the group, "when this device is activated, the Enterprise will become invisible to sensors."

Picard was holding a PADD in his hand, making notes on it. He then looked up to the schematic on the viewscreen and decided to ask a question. "At what time will the device be ready?"

Geordi touched a panel on the side of the viewer, which turned it off, and went to his seat and sat down. "Well, if my crew down in Engineering hooked it up correctly, we should be in business now."

Picard was pleased. That was the kind of answers he liked to hear from his crew. He didn't like to have excuses in his face. "Very good. I would like you to begin testing..."

Before Picard could finish his sentence, the wall viewer activated. It said:

Incoming Transmission

Picard keyed a few commands into a pad on the table, he then looked back up to the viewer. On the screen came Admiral Paris's face, it was not a happy one. "Jean-Luc, I have some interesting news."

All Picard could say was: "Do you want this to be a private conversation?"

Paris shook his head, "No, you're senior crew should listen to this. We have a very important mission for you to go on Jean-Luc. No one but your senior staff may know about this."

Picard was now very interested in what Paris was about to say.

Paris Continued his report. "A few months ago, Starfleet picked up a sensor echo of a Romulan Warbird heading towards Federation Space. We don't know exactly what they wanted, but we believe they crossed our border and are headed directly towards Earth."

Tension grew in the room, Picard was speechless, he leaned over to Data. "Mr. Data, what is our current position?"

Data answered him with a calm voice. "We are in sector 514 sir."

Sector 514, Picard thought, right in the middle of Federation space. "Admiral, according to when they left, where would they be at this moment?"

Admiral Paris looked down to a monitor and then reported his findings. "If they didn't alter course, they should be in sector 516, very close to your position. Now, I want the Enterprise to find them before they reach Earth, and when you do find them, I want you to destroy that vessel."

"Destroy it?" Picard said in disbelief. "But wouldn't that ruin relations with their government? There must be another option."

Paris shook his head. "Have you gone soft Jean-Luc? We do have a certain rule in our relations with foreign spacecraft in our space. Do I have to site that rule to you?"

Picard looked at the Admiral and said "No sir, I remember the rule. It states that when an enemy vessel breeches our borders without prior consent from our government, they are to be shot upon site."

Paris nodded his head in agreement. "I'm glad you see it my way. Paris out." And with that, the screen went blank. Leaving Picard and his senior crew sitting staring at a UFP symbol with the words End Communication under it.

Picard turned to his officers. "Well, we have our orders. Mr. LaForge, we'll have to forget the testing of the cloaking device for now, but I want it ready for anything."

Geordi looked directly into the captain's eyes and said "Yes Sir. She's online ready for your order."

Picard returned the gaze. "The order is given, Picard to computer."

The computer replied with a beeping noise and the words computer ready. "Activate cloaking device and go to silent running."

Outside, the Enterprise going through space at warp, waved like a flag on a semi-breezy day and disappeared.

Captain's Log Stardate 47993.3:
We are heading towards Sector 516, we should be there within one day. The cloaking device is working perfectly, the only problem is that we cannot go to our maximum warp. If we were to use our warp engines at their maximum capability, we would be able to be picked up by a sensor scan, so we are limited to warp 5. End Log

In the conference lounge, Picard was walking by the back wall looking out the windows. He thought it interesting to watch the stars go by, they looked like lines from a rainbow, rather than points of light. "There must be some other way..." Picard said out loud. "I don't kill people, I don't want to become like my first officer, but I'm ordered to." The rest he decided to think in his head, who knew what kind of 'bugs' would be implanted in the walls. I promised myself that I wouldn't kill anyone unless they provoked the attack. That is the only way, but how can I stay with my own thoughts and follow Starfleet's orders? Picard looked down at a PADD on the table, it was the current crew evaluation list, some crewmen had managed to make another rank in the last month, which was certainly not through official channels, that is if you can call them official. He walked towards one of the conference room's doors and exited.

The first few words that Picard heard when he came onto the bridge were "Captain on the bridge." These words were spoken by his first officer. Picard was shocked, no one had ever done that before, they usually just went to attention. But Picard played along... "As you were." He said, and everyone went back to what they had been doing.

Picard went to his chair and sat down. Riker handed him a PADD, which he took and looked at. On the PADD were further instructions sent by Starfleet Command. It was more of a Keep me updated message more than anything else, Picard need to keep Paris updated on the mission and the cloaking device. Picard walked up to Data and looked over his shoulder. "What is our current status?"

Data looked towards the captain's direction. "Everything is going well. We are still on course for sector 516."

"Very well" Picard said. "Where's Commander Troi? Isn't it her watch next?"

Riker was the one to answer this question. "Well sir, since I was added to the crew, the rotation changed from a Gamma shift to a Delta shift rotation schedule."

Picard nodded his head and replied "Oh, that's right. You just saved her from being in trouble, do you do this often?"

Riker shook his head, "No sir, I was just stating the facts."

Picard looked back to Riker and said with relief "Oh, very well. Mr. Worf, I want you to contact Starfleet and get me the sensor information on that warbird."

Worf nodded his head and said "Aye sir."

Picard looked around the bridge, there was an ensign staring at him, but when Picard's gaze turned towards him, he looked away. Picard tried to hook the face up with a name... and after a couple of seconds, he remembered. The ensigns name was Malory. "Mr. Worf, I'll be in my quarters, when that information comes, have it sent down there."

Picard walked towards the turbolift, Data was right behind him. Before Picard entered, Data took out a tricorder and scanned the lift. When he was satisfied that there were no harmful devices in it, the captain entered, with Data standing right beside him. Malory had made his way down to where Data had been sitting and now occupied the position. As the turbolift doors closed, Malory just stared at Picard, and then turned his attention to the Ops console.

* * *

Picard and Data made their way to his quarters. Once they reached the room, another one of Picard's personnel guards came and stood by the door, letting Data and the captain inside.

Once inside, Picard immediately went to his desk and called up Malory's personnel file. Last month, Picard had him reduced in rank to ensign from lieutenant because of improper conduct on an away mission. He basically jepordized the away teams lives, which was a serious offense under Starfleet Regulations. Picard then let Data scan his quarters, they didn't need to be scanned because it was the most secure room on the ship, but Data insisted just in case. Once he finished, Picard walked to the food replicator and asked for a glass of water. It materalized and Picard picked it up, drank it, and then placed it back in the replicator. Immediately, the replicator did what it was programed to do, it took the glass away in a transporter like effect.

"Is there anything else, you need from me sir?" Data asked.

Picard nodded his head. "When Mr. Malory has a free moment from his duties, I want him sent to me."

"Aye sir." Data said before he exited the room.

Picard didn't have to wait for Malory to have a free moment. He was immediately sent there by Data.

When the door chimed, Picard had been sitting at his glass desk. He said the usual come command, and the door opened allowing Malory entrance. Of course Picard's guards had scanned Malory for any kind of weapons or drugs that he could hurt him with, but there had been none on him. Malory walked further in the room and stood right in front of Picard's desk.

"You asked to see me sir?" Malory said with a cold, dark voice.

Picard nodded and said "Yes I did ensign. I wanted to know why you were staring at me."

Malory acted as if he didn't know what was going on. "I don't know what you're talking about sir."

Picard didn't like what he was hearing. "Don't lie to me ensign! I know you were staring at me. Now you're either going to tell me, or I'm going to send you to Commander Troi, and she'll take care of you!" The threat that he made would make almost anyone on the ship want to hide. Their was only one problem with it.

The ensign looked directly into Picard's eyes and said "Have you forgotten? She is the commanding officer of my department! She wouldn't do anything to me."

Picard replied to his smart attitude. "Well, I guess you have me at a disadvantage, but that doesn't matter, because when I'm done with you, you're going to wish she would have taken care of the matter."

The ensign stepped back a little, not knowing what Picard had in store for him. His heart started to pump faster. Picard noticed this. "You don't look all that well, I'll get you some help." The ensign clearly didn't want to find out what Picard was going to do. He reached down his right sleeve of his uniform and pulled out a device that looked like a personnel transporter, he then activated it but was shocked when it didn't work.

Picard started to laugh. "I can't believe you tried that. Didn't you know that only certain equipment works in my cabin? I have a very sophisticated magnetic field set up here. It doesn't affect the computer, which responds to voice commands rather well. Picard to computer." The computer beeped and then stated "Ready". Picard continued his orders. "Lock onto Ensign Malory's com badge and beam him to Deck 34 Section 14 Alpha. 3 second delay." Picard then stood up and waved to Malory. "Well, it's been nice talking to you ensign, we'll have to do it again sometime." With that, Malory dematerialized with a transporter beam. Picard sat back down in his chair and said sarcastically "Oh, wait a minute, we don't have a section 14 alpha, that's open to space. It's too bad, I rather liked the ensign."

Outside, Malory's body was floating lifelessly at warp, until he was out of the ship's wake and slowed down and stopped.

In Sickbay, Dr. Crusher was attending to Geordi LaForge. He was sitting on the main bio bed. Crusher was talking to him. "So, now tell me what happened again." Geordi looked at her and told her how he ended up being injured and needing medical attention. "Well, I was standing on one of the upper decks of Engineering, taking readings, when I looked out the window and I saw a man floating outside. Well, I must have lost my footing and I fell down to the deck beneath me." Crusher looked at him in astonishment. "Could you identify who was outside?" Geordi shook his head no. Crusher looked off her tricorder and said that he was all bandaged up and he could return to duty. As Geordi was leaving, he could hear Crusher ask the computer if anyone was missing, of course the answer came back Ensign Malory. She then immediately contacted the one person who might want to know about it.

"Crusher to Troi."

Troi's voice came on the other end, she sounded like she just woke up. "Troi here, what's wrong doctor?"

Crusher replied with "Well, you're missing one of your officers."

* * *

Back in his quarters, Picard was sitting at his glass desk. In front of him were the intelligence reports for the Romulan Warbird that they were to destroy, only moments earlier, Data had contacted him that Starfleet had sent the necessary information. At the moment, he was studying the sensor logs. Picard noticed something strange about them, they were not displaying the regular energy output that a warbird gives off while cloaked. He started to think to himself... What if it's not a Romulan warbird after all? What if it's some other kind of vessel. Of course that couldn't be possible, the ship came from Romulan space and everything else about it was Romulan in origin, but he still couldn't help but wonder if he was chasing after some innocent crew that got lost. Of course, how lost can you get from Romulan space? His thoughts were interrupted when Deanna Troi decided to pay him a visit.

"Come" Picard said. When she entered, he wasn't surprised at all. He knew she would have gotten to confront him about the matter of her missing officer. "Yes, what can I do for you commander?" She returned the gesture with a look of coldness.

"Well, I hear that you killed one of my officers." Troi said with a look of hate.

Picard returned the cold, blank stare. "Well, I didn't kill him, I just accidently beamed him to a part of the ship that isn't there. It was a simple, understandable mistake."

Troi was not conveying any feelings towards her missing officer, for she had many more where he came from. "Well, I should probably thank you captain."

That was not what Picard was waiting to hear. He was anticipating a threat or something close to it. But it never came, he was surprised. "What was that?"

She repeated herself, and added some explanation. "Well, I was getting tired of him anyway. He wasn't doing his duty like he should have been, he was never on time for anything, and he was insubordinate. So, I thank you for your services."

Picard decided that maybe Troi was beginning to become his friend, he decided to test out this hypothesis. "So, is there anyone else you would like me to get rid of for you?"

Troi was clearly not interested. "Captain, you misunderstood. If you ever do anything like that again, you'll end up missing someday yourself!"

Picard thought to himself, well there went that hypothesis. "You know, I could place you under arrest for attempted mutiny for saying things like that."

Troi just glared down at him. "But you wont, will you captain. You need me, if you didn't, I would have been gone a very long time ago. We both know that."

Picard nodded his head and said. "Since that matter is over with. I would like your help on something."

Troi now turned on her professional side and was ready to listen to anything the captain had to say. "Yes sir?"

"When we find that warbird, I would like to open a dialogue with their commander." Picard said. This got Troi interested in the topic.

"You are going to disobey orders and not destroy the vessel?" Troi said. "May I ask why?"

"Well, I've been thinking. If we destroy that warbird, Starfleet wont have any further information on Romulan technology. We could deliver that very valuable piece of equipment to Admiral Paris himself, now who would be able to turn down that kind of favor? Just think of it, we would be giving Starfleet more than they asked for, in return for lets say higher wages? Or maybe more time off? Or both?" Picard said tempting her.

Troi didn't like where this was heading. "Captain, you must know that if you go against Starfleet's orders, I will have to arrest you."

Picard smiled. "Yes, I know that. I was just testing you. Of course, I wouldn't try to disobey orders. I will of course shoot on site, but I'll try to disable it and then I'll try to salvage what is left for Starfleet to have."

Troi nodded her head at this. "Very well captain. As long as you disable it. I believe that Starfleet wouldn't mind having some Romulan guests for a while." She began to smile. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have the bridge this watch."

Picard dismissed her and she left his quarters. It was getting late, so he decided to 'turn in' and go to sleep.

* * *

Picard had been alerted to the Bridge when sensors picked up a distortion in the sector they were looking for the warbird in. He was sitting in his command chair. "Mr. Data, display the sector on the screen."

"Aye sir." Data did so and a map of Sector 516 came up. The screen showed different parts of the sector. Including a blue dot that represented a distortion, which Picard was certain, was a cloaked vessel of some kind.

"Data," Picard began, "Is that distortion displaying the usual energy signatures of a cloaked Romulan Warbird?"

Data checked his panel and then reported his findings. "No sir. It does not have the energy signatures a Warbird uses, but it is constant with that of a Federation Cloaking Device."

Picard looked up with surprise. "A Federation Cloaking Device? I thought that we were the only vessel equipped with one!" He was beginning to become angry.

Riker turned to Picard. "Maybe, your friend, Admiral Paris, isn't as friendly as you thought."

Picard shook his head no. "No, I don't believe that John would do something like this to me. He doesn't have the motive."

An alert sounded on Data's panel. "Captain, the distortion is moving away from us."

Picard looked at a display that was on the screen next to him, on it he could see the blue dot, as Data said, moving away from the Enterprise. "At what speed is it moving?"

Data checked his readouts. "It is moving away at full impulse."

Picard was interested in what it was. He knew that it had a Federation Signature to it, but one thing was on his mind, he said it allowed, hoping to get a reply. "But, how are we able to track it? Usually, when a vessel is cloaked, and moving at impulse speed, it shouldn't show up on our scopes."

Data turned in his chair to face Picard's direction. "I may have an explanation for it sir. I believe the reason that we can detect it is because it is of poor design. I was reading the logs of the engineer that designed our cloaking device. He originally started out with something very similar as our friend over there, but he found out that it was traceable and it was useless. That was when he went to a more sophisticated design."

Picard considered this for a moment. "Picard to LaForge."

Geordi's voice came through the Comm Channel "Yes captain, what can I do for you?"

Picard looked up to the Comm interface "I want you to bring us out of cloak."

"Aye sir" was all LaForge said.

Outside, the stars waved and the Enterprise appeared, although there was one problem.

On the Bridge, LaForge was informing Picard what the problem was. "Well, sir. Only two warp nacelles decloaked with the rest of the ship!"

Picard looked up to the interface, he was not happy. "What? I thought you said that it was working fine!"

"It was sir. But there's something wrong with it now! I can't explain it." LaForge paused for a moment, "I'll get to work on it and I'll get back to you. Out" And with that, the com signal went dead.

Picard started to pace. "Well, we still have a job to do. I'm not going to let this stop us. We'll continue our mission."

Picard was ready to give another command to his crew "Mr. Worf, I want you to hail that vessel, whatever it might be."

Counselor Troi came up to Picard. "Captain, I thought we agreed that we would shoot first and ask questions later? Your not going to carry out Starfleet's orders?"

Picard looked at her, he didn't like what she was telling him. "I know what Paris said, but I want to try something first here! Besides, it is clearly not a Romulan Warbird. But if you want to, you can write a formal report on me and send it to him if you'd like. But for right now, get out of my way. Mr. Worf, you have your orders!"

"Aye sir." Worf said as he worked a few controls, clearly disturbed by the confrontation between Picard and Troi. "Channel open."

Picard stood up from his chair and walked towards the viewscreen. "This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Federation starship Enterprise. I demand to know who you are and what you are doing in this sector!"

After a couple of minutes, Worf checked his controls "Your message is sent. There is no response."

Picard was getting angry. "Well I'm getting tired of this, I guess it's time we showed them who's boss around here." He turned towards Worf. "Mr. Worf. I want you to fire six photon torpedoes around that vessel and have them collide into each other right behind it."

Worf looked up from his console. "Aye sir." He pushed a couple of buttons and stated that he had fired the weapons.

Outside, the six photons came out of the Enterprise's forward torpedo launcher. They circled around the cloaked vessel and exploded directly behind it as Picard had commanded.

Back on the Bridge, Data got another alert on his panel. "Captain, I believe that one of the photons accidently ruined their cloaking device. They are beginning to decloak."

Picard didn't hesitate. "Fire!"

At Picard's command, a volley of photon torpedoes were fired at the unknown vessel. As it finished decloaking, its shields stopped the torpedoes.

"Report." Picard barked to his officers.

Data was the one to reply. "Their shields are holding at 83 percent."

Picard looked towards Worf's direction. "Mr. Worf, what kind of vessel is that?"

Worf checked his readouts and then reported. "The computer reports that it is the U.S.S. Shadow Horseman. A Federation Starship. Registry NX-81096."

Picard looked at the main viewer where the Shadow Horseman was sitting. "There is no record of a vessel matching that description in Starfleet, I wonder where it came from."

Suddenly the Enterprise was rocked by a weapons blast, knocking Picard down to the floor.

Picard stood up. "Damage report!"

The computer replied with. "Shields down to 74 percent."

"They fired a quantum torpedo at us." Worf stood at his post waiting for more action.

"Mr. Worf" Picard said, "Fire a full spread of quantum torpedoes at that vessel!"

"Aye sir!." Worf said, his voice filled with excitement.

Outside, four quantum torpedoes hit the ship face on and breeched it's shields.

"Direct hit." Worf said proudly. "Their shields, and weapons are down."

Picard turned to Troi. "Are you satisfied commander?"

Troi looked back up to Picard. "Yes, but I think that we should board her and find out what they are doing here."

Picard nodded in agreement. "Number One. Take a well armed away team over there and find out what they are doing here."

Riker stood up from his chair. "Aye sir." He walked towards the turbolift. "Worf, Data, and Troi come with me." They followed him into the turbolift. Two lieutenants took the place where Worf and Data had been.

Picard turned to the lieutenant stationed at tactical. "Lower the shields."

The lieutenant pushed a few buttons and the shields were down.

* * *

Down in the transporter room, the away team was assembled, two security guards had joined the "party", they were listening to instructions from Riker. They were armed with type two phasers. "This is the plan. We go in, find out as much information as we can and we get out." He paused. "Any questions?" No one had any questions. Riker liked it that way. "OK, lets do it."

They stepped onto the transporter pad and Riker ordered O'Brien to beam them onto the Bridge of the Shadow Horseman. O'Brien worked the controls and they were beamed over. There was a small glitch in the transporter beam but he ignored it.

* * *

Over on the Shadow Horseman, the away team were looking over the bridge layout. Data had accessed a computer terminal and was looking through the LCARS database. He was downloading the information into his neural net. After he was done, he check the information for anything that could explain this vessel.

Riker walked around the bridge, looking at everything. He was fascinated with it's design, his "stroll" was interrupted when Data had finished his analysis. He reported. "Sir, this vessel is from a future alternate reality."

This got Riker's attention. "What?"

Data went into further explanation. "It seems that they broke the barrier and crossed over into our universe."

Riker looked back to Troi. "Can you sense anyone onboard?"

Troi closed her eyes and after a couple of minutes she reported. "No, they must have left the ship."

Data objected to what the Counselor had said. "No, I do not believe they left. I believe that no one was onboard her."

Riker shook his head in disbelief. "What evidence do you have of that Mr. Data?"

Data walked over to another terminal. "Sir, the ship was set to auto pilot. There was no one onboard, or we would have found traces of people being here, which we have not found. The Captain's Log states that when they arrived here, they left the vessel. Sir, that was two months ago. They must have left it under computer control all this time.

Riker looked back at Data. "But they could have faked the logs. Once they realized that they weren't in their own universe anymore."

Data nodded in agreement. "But if they did stay onboard, where would they go?"

* * *

Back on the Enterprise, a group of people were walking in an empty hallway. They were armed as well as armored. The leader, Captain Shawn Gorman, spoke.

"We need to find away to disable this ship."

The crew started to give possible ideas. "Sir, I suggest we head to engineering and take out the warp core.

The power loss should drop the shields." Laepl answered back.

"Agreed. Lets do it people."

The group followed him to a turbolift, and called for it. Just before the lift arrived, Commander Lapel scanned it to make sure that no one was in it, but people were in the lift. He reported. "Sir, there are three people in the lift, they are carrying hand phasers." It would be too late for them to go back around the corner and hide, so Gorman ordered them to activate their personnel cloaking devices. The group became invisible after activating the devices. The turbolift opened and the occupients were shocked to find no one waiting for the lift. One of them made a comment about people being impatient and the doors closed once again. Gorman and the rest decloaked.

"That was a little too close people. We need to find another way to get to engineering." He turned to Allenby. "Allenby, you served on the Enterprise-D in our universe, what's the quickest way there?"

"Just the jefferies tubes sir, but that could take over an hour from where we are." Allenby replied.

"No we don't have that much time." Gorman replied.

"Sir." Tarbis soke. "I suggest we use our personal transporter. If they are on the same frequency as the transporters on this ship then chances are the crew will not detect us."

Gorman thought about it for a moment then agreed.

They cloak and walk through the ship. Passing people on both sides of them. When they are again alone, they ask the computer where a transporter room is. The computer replies that the nearest transporter room is around the corner. They find the transporter room, take the person that is at the controls down, and beam to Engineering. The team realigned their personal cloaks into the array as to not bring attention to themselves.

They are standing in the chief engineer's office. Geordi is in there as well, checking the systems trying to figure out how to get the remaining engines on the saucer and one on the stardrive section to decloak properly. He goes to the master systems display monitor, leaving the Special Ops team to complete their task. They are very efficient in damaging the warp core which damages the shields in the process, without alarming Geordi or the other crew in Engineering. They then beam out of engineering and back onto their vessel.

* * *

Back on the Shadow Horseman, the away team have finished searching the ship, finding nothing. Riker taps his comm badge and says. "Riker to Picard. We can't find anything over here, it seems that the crew abandoned ship when they found out they weren't in the same universe."

Picard replied back. "Understood, we'll put her in a tractor beam and give her to Paris as a gift. Report back to the Enterprise."

"Data" Riker began. "I want you to totally shut this vessel down."

Data pushed a few buttons and after a short while, everything was silent. "The vessel is powered down sir."

"Good." Riker nodded "Riker to O'Brien."

O'Brien's voice came through the comm line. "O'Brien here."

Riker looked around the bridge one more time. "Beam us back."

"Understood. O'Brien out."

With that, the away team disappeared in a transporter effect.

* * *

On the Bridge, Riker had just finished giving his report to Picard. Picard was ready to leave this area of space, although he was disappointed that he didn't get to have prisoners to take back to Paris, but he at least had their vessel. He looked toward the main viewer. "Mr. Data, lock a tractor beam onto the Shadow Horseman and rig it for Warp Tow."

Data nodded and said "Aye sir. Tractor beam configured for Warp Tow, Engaging tractor beam."

Before the tractor beam could lock onto the ship, the Shadow Horseman moved away. It came up in front of the Enterprise and faced her.

Back on the Bridge, Picard was looking at Riker. "I thought you said that she was powered down!"

Riker told the captain exactly what happened. "She was sir. Data shut her down just before we left!"

Picard pointed to the vessel on the viewscreen. "Does she look like she's powered down?"

All Riker could do was lower his head.

"Captain, they are readying weapons!" Worf yelled out over the bridge.

Picard looked back at him and said. "What? How did they do..."

He was cut off when the shields went down and a photon torpedo struck the Enterprises two warp nacelles on the stardrive section destroying them.

"Engineering to Bridge." Geordi LaForge's voice came in, he was troubled.

Picard looked up to the interface. "I know what you're going to say commander, and all I have to say is get those other warp nacelles decloaked now!"

Geordi replied with "I'm working on it."

The Shadow Horseman came around for another shot and fired phasers at the Enterprise's main deflector dish destroying it as well. After a couple of these maneuvers, the third warp nacelle on the stardrive section decloaked. It looked out of place, being the only one there.

Geordi called the bridge again "LaForge to Picard."

"Picard here."

"Captain, another nacelle just decloaked." Geordi said without enthusiasm.

"Can we make a stable Warp Field?" Picard was pressed for time, he didn't want to be destroyed today.

"No sir. The one nacelle can't hold us." Geordi replied.

"Well, then what do you suggest Mr. LaForge?" Tension was growing on the Bridge with each passing moment.

"I suggest we separate the ship. I believe that the saucer section's warp nacelles might decloak again." Geordi was grabbing for ideas and Picard knew it, but he couldn't think of anything else to suggest.

"Very well Mr. LaForge, we'll try it your way." Picard looked up to the interface. "Picard to computer, recognize Picard Alpha 2 Clearance."

The computer beeped and replied "Alpha 2 Clearance recognized."

Picard stood up. "Begin separation sequence in 10 minutes."

The computer beeped again. "Attention all decks. Saucer Separation begins in 9 minutes 59 seconds. Report to your assigned stations on the Saucer Module."

Through out the Enterprise, people were hurrying to their assigned stations on the Saucer Section. In Sickbay, Crusher was setting up site to site transports for her patients. Not that they deserved to live, but it was her duty to see that they would be able to return to their posts as soon as possible.

Back on the Bridge, Picard was pacing around, checking sensor readouts. The countdown was now down to 10 seconds.

The Shadow Horseman wasn't finished with the Enterprise yet. She kept on firing at the third warp nacelle, until it was eventually destroyed. The ship rocked again, she was bleeding to death now.

The computer had finished the countdown and the Enterprise started to separate. Once the separation was complete, the warp nacelles still did not decloak.

Worf was looking over at some readouts when his console alerted him. "Captain, the enemy ship is still heading towards the stardrive section."

Picard was alarmed. "What are they doing?"

Data checked his display. "It appears that they are trying to do a salvage operation sir."

Picard didn't like this. "Picard to Computer. Set the stardrive to auto-destruct in one minute."

The computer didn't have any good news for the captain. "Auto-destruct systems off-line."

Picard looked back to the computer interface. "Use secondary power relays."

The computer worked for a while and then stated that the auto-destruct was still off-line.

Data looked back to his console. "Sir, the other vessel is setting up a tractor beam."

Picard walked down to Data. "What? Stop them!, Mr. Worf, fire quantum torpedoes at that vessel."

The Saucer Section turned around so its aft torpedo tube was showing. Three quantum torpedoes were fired at the Shadow Horseman. But instead of hitting the ship, they opened a gateway of some sort. The tractor beam was activated and the Shadow Horseman, with the Enterprise's stardrive section in tow, entered the gateway, leaving the Enterprise's saucer section all alone.

On the Bridge, Picard started to pace around. "Picard to LaForge."

"LaForge here captain." Geordi replied.

"The other ship disappeared back to their own time and universe." He paused. "What is our current status?"

LaForge was hoping he'd ask that question. "Well sir, the warp nacelles for the saucer should be coming back on line in any minute now."

Picard was annoyed. "I see, and why couldn't you have had it up and running before?"

LaForge hesitated to answer. "The cloaking device wasn't installed properly. Those idiots at Utopia Planitia really messed up here."

Picard looked back to the interface. "I understand." He then looked towards the ensign at helm. "Ensign, when the warp nacelles decloak, set a course back to Earth, warp 9."

The ensign acknowledged the command and worked at the controls.

Outside, the warp nacelles decloaked and the Enterprise went into warp.

* * *

Back on Earth, Paris was sitting in his office, the chime rang. "Come in."

Picard walked into the office and Paris told him to sit down across from him, which Picard did.

"You know captain" the admiral began, "I should be very mad at you."

Picard looked the admiral straight in the eye and was waiting to be standing in front of a court martial.

Paris continued. "But after reading your official reports, I'm not, everyone loses a ship here and there, I lost six when I was a captain. But you've proven some good things to me captain."

Picard was puzzled at what Paris was getting at. "Oh, what is that sir?"

Paris handed Picard a PADD. "This is the report that your chief engineer gave to me concerning the cloaking device. It was clearly not made for a starship with more than three warp nacelles."

Picard was still puzzled at what Paris was trying to say. "Sir, would you get to the point please?"

Paris nodded his head. "Of course. What I'm trying to say is you're not going to be reduced in rank or anything. I'm giving you your ship back. It will be back down to a three nacelle Galaxy-Class refit, with a cloaking device and everything, we'll just make sure that the engineers do a better job this time."

Picard smiled. "Thank you sir, but what if another vessel from another universe comes into our territory again?"

Paris smiled. "Well, then I guess we'll just have to deal with it when it comes, if it comes. I assure you that one of these days, we will get that stardrive section back. I can only imagine what they are doing to it right now, they're probably tearing it inside out. I assume that you had the computer files erased when they took it?"

Picard stopped smiling. "Yes sir, it's a safety precaution. When I had the computer detach the saucer, it automatically erased all of the files, so if they want to learn about our technology, they are going to have to do it from scratch.

Paris and Picard stood up. "Very well captain," and with that, Picard exited the admiral's office.

Orbiting Earth, was a Galaxy-Class refit, it was still at Earth Station McKinley getting the last finishing touches on her. The crews outside were putting her identification number and name on her, they read:


* * *

Back on Earth, there was a reception going on where the Federation Council usually meets. Riker was sitting all alone while the rest of the senior officers were talking with each other, except for Data and Captain Picard, who were talking with the new ambassador from Vulcan.

The Four other senior officers walked up to Riker. He was ready for any insults that he might receive from them. But instead of being insulted, they apologized for being rude. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. At the beginning of this mission, he was hated by them, and now they wanted to be his friend.

He looked at them and had to ask the question on his mind. "Did Picard make you do this?"

They looked back to him and stated that he had not put them up to anything, and that they just wanted him to be their friend. Picard and Data approached the group. Picard asked what was going on, Riker explained to him what just happened. A waiter came with seven glasses filled with some kind of liquid. Picard smiled and proposed a toast. "Here's to the best friends that a man could ever wish for." With that, they drank to friendship and the promise that they wouldn't let that friendship die. Being in battle together had formed a bond.

Captain's Log Stardate 47999.8:
We are back among the one thing that we know and trust, the Enterprise. It feels good to be here in this position that I belong to. I believe that my senior officers are now my friends. We have been through much together in the past seven years, and I know that we have become closer than anyone else in Starfleet, and no one can ever take that away from us. I would however like to note a personal entry, I am actually glad to see my senior officers accepting Thomas, finally, he has been through his journey, although, I can't explain when this occurred, he has been through he journey to trust. End Log.

The End

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