Monday, March 28, 2011

Peach and Sock Find a Penguin

Peach and Sock brought a penguin in this morning... it looked rather realistic at first. Upon further investigation it turned out to be a simple sock.

Well more than just a simple sock... more like seveal socks.

You see, the penguin was in a deep freeze down under. He was trying to make his way back to the Arctic when his boat sank.

Apparently no one told the penguin that you couldn't cook marshmellows on ice. His boat was an ice burg. Poor penguin ended up in Australia.

Peach and Sock haven't decided what to do with the guy yet. They're playing rock paper scissors at the moment trying to decide if they want to let the penguin know he's safe and sound.

I sure hope they don't decide to keep him as a pet... they already neglect Winkie as it is.

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