Friday, April 30, 2010

SG:U Lost

Wow... where to even begin with this episode.

I really enjoyed this one. Mostly because they have to use the Stargates to get to Destiny... you know, traveling by Stargate, what the freakin' show was originally about... before they introduced space ships? Yeah, that's what I'm talkin' about.

Sad they left the black guy behind, only to find out that they didn't get back to the ship. Makes you wonder how they'll get back... they do have to get back right? Maybe? Perhaps?

Who knows, they might end up finding the people that left the group on that one Stargate... on that one planet... shoot, I'm going to have to hunt down that episode now aren't I?

Anyways... this episode rocked. Don't have a favorite part of it all... but I enjoyed it a lot.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I had an important thing to say...

So, as I sat down... I was going to write something important. Possibly something worthwhile... maybe something a little dramatic? Wouldn't you know it... I got side tracked by reading other blogs and updating my Google Chrome to use a different theme and update/sync my settings and bookmarks across four computers... yeah I forgot what I was gonna say.

Oh well... perhaps one day I will recall what was oh so important to say. Then again... perhaps not. If I do... you'll be the first to know... oh internet of mine. If I don't remember... meh, probably wasn't that important to begin with. So I'll just deal with either one that comes my way.

Mother's Day Is Coming

So... you've heard the rumors. Now meet the myth... or legend. Yes, that's right. Your mother.

Remember how in a week or so Mother's Day will be here. Well if you aren't so sure about that... go check the calendar. Don't worry, I'll be here. Just go check it out... I'll wait for you.



Oh what's that? You went to the calendar and checked it, and found what? Mother's day is coming up? Wow... aren't you a smart one! Yes, that is correct. Mother's Day is coming up and is approaching. What do you have in mind for your mother. Oh and don't forget... your spouse can have Mother's Day too. ;-) You better not forget her!

Anyways... what do you usually do for Mother's Day? If you still haven't a clue what to do... at least send a card and call her on the phone. It will make her day.

Trus me on this. Don't mess this up.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

SGU: Human

In the latest episode, we get some nice character development in regards to Dr. Rush. Actually we're inside his mind for the majority of the episode. You see, he's hooked himself up to the chair that's on the ship... hopefully to find a way to control the thing. Very nice episode. I highly enjoyed this one.

You also get to see what was going on in his life before the whole Stargate thing entered it. Complete with a cameo from Dr. Daniel Jackson. That was a nice touch. His wife has cancer, and in this version of things, he's not paying attention to her... because he's already lived it. Makes you wonder... how he handled things before? I'd like to believe that he took care of her, was by her side etc.

Anywho, during the whole episode... the thing he keeps pushing away is the key to it all. There are 46 chromosomes in the human genome... that is the key to guiding the ship and making it do whatever they want. Rather amusing if you ask me. Wait a second.... I thought there were 23? Now I'm confused... I'll have to re-watch the episode.

The sub plot. Okay, so they come across a planet with ancient ruins. The team that goes gets stuck and the ship has to leave. It's now up to Rush in the coming weeks to find a way to turn the ship around to pick them up... or... hey they have Stargates on the planets right? Hmmm could they I don't know perhaps go planet hopping hoping to find that Destiny is near by? Oh yes, that would rock.

We'll see how this pans out. It's picking up speed again... should prove interesting.

SGU: Faith

So the ship drops out of FTL and finds a planet that was never found before... because when the ship that was depositing the Stargates was flying through, well the planet wasn't there.

So they do some exploring... decide that they're stuck there for a month, and send a team down.

People wig out, some believe they were led there by God, others think the aliens from past episodes are going to come back and haunt/kill them.

In the end, you have a bunch of people wanting to stay, others who don't. It's all good. Oh, and it appears the guy in charge... yeah his mistress/gf/whatever is pregnant. Fun times... more drama? Yes, yes there will be it seems.

This was a decent episode. I'm glad the colonel had the guts to say to the Marines that they needed to get back on the ship and not to be pushed around. It was also nice to see him and Rush talking more... they've been through a lot over the past couple of weeks... in the end they might turn up as friends. We'll see though.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Wal-Mart - Stargate

So... went to Wal-Mart the other night to see if I could pick up season 2 of Stargate Atlantis.

Couldn't find it on the shelves anywhere.

Near me a guy was asking a store associate if they had some tv show. The associate told him that from time to time they pull videos off the shelf and send them back.

I think the same thing happened to Battlestar Galactica. No fun.

SGU: Divided

Okay... so this week Dr. Rush and the civilans take over the ship. Surprise surprise... was only a matter of time.

The Military have control over lifesupport... the civilians have control over everything else.

Apparently there was a tracking device placed on the ship and one in Rush's chest next to his heart by the aliens from last week.

Of course the aliens come knocking.

I keep asking myself... will they ever find a way to stop the ship from making jumps etc. Will they ever have complete control over the ship? Hmmm...

So the military come after the civilians. For some reason Chloe is all "Hey you're doing this" blah blah blah. Just because she was taken by aliens... can't mean that she wants to be pushing people around. Sure she's pissed etc. and has nightmares... but eh. She's misguided that Rush will help her and save the day... just because he helped her out on the alien vessel.

So the aliens start firing on the ship. Rush and Eli get the shields up.

Colonel Young finds Rush... the military points guns at the civilians. Typical civilan vs. military struggle. Interesting how each side thinks they know which is best for the entire ship.

The procedure for knocking Rush out was classic. Alien vennom.

So they bring in a doctor to remove the tracking device in Rush's chest. She quickly finds out that they are under attack... and is clearly overwhelmed by what's going on.

Half way through the procedure, the connection is lost. Chloe comes back to her hand in Rush's chest.

Wow, didn't mean for this to be a play by play... shoot.

Long story short, they get the device out of Rush... and the ship continues on its way.

Favorite quote from episode:
"If you have to use force, so be it. We still have to live with these people tomorrow."

I wonder if the aliens will be a continual part of the series... or if they'll just be here for a few episodes. I guess we'll find out.

All in all, I didn't like the episode... but I didn't hate it either.

SGU - Space

So, last week... they actually had an alien encounter. Chloe and Dr. Rush were pulled into water tanks on an alien ship. Swimming didn't do to well for them.

It was an interesting episode. Glad to see they finally saw some bad people. Or well people that wanted something from them. Apparently they want Destiny... are obsessed with the ship for some reason.

All in all, I enjoyed the episode.

Ever feel like no one is listening?

 Ever have that feeling that no one is listening to you? Yeah, that feeling. It can be a strong feeling to have, a hurtful feeling also. The...