Everything becomes a realism at some point or another. No one decides what you wish to believe or want to understand. That is up to you. To want to believe in something takes courage. To want to understand what that belief is? Even more courage. What it all takes is courage to see the truth in something no matter what.
There are times when we do not want to see the truth. We want to hide from it all. Kept safe in the world we created for ourselves. That peace of mind upon which we have the ability to stand.
So, what’s the point of it all if we know the truth and yet we cannot accept the truth for what it is? Makes you wonder what this life is all about sometimes. What point is any of it? Are there times when we wish the truth wouldn’t be known? Sure. But when millions believe in something, trust something, hold onto something they’ve been taught their whole life…where does that leave the truth? How does that lead them into a righteous cause? Doesn’t make sense does it.
What do you do with the knowledge that you retain. How much of that knowledge is good for you vs how much is bad. So many questions that occur and come up because you do not know left from right. Up from down. Life is but a limbo position constantly telling you where to go brining you down to some misery.
Either way, this life continues to drag people away from their current location and down into the depths of a sea. Never knowing where they will surface, if they will surface. At which point do you realize all that is going on and toss it aside as though it were nothing? Life is just that crazy.
Nah, thinking through things from time to time doesn’t fully make it all better. There are times which make these thoughts even worse. Something much different than how they are or will become. We all must find a way to become better than what we are at this present moment. Words on a page cannot do justice.
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