Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Do While Loop / Switch Statement

Here we have a simple do/while loop with the input from a Scanner going to a switch statement.

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Date;

public class Test {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    Action action = new Action();

    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
    String in;

    do {
      System.out.print("> ");
      in = scanner.nextLine();

    } while (!in.equals("quit"));

class Action {

  public Action() {


  public void process(String in) {
    switch(in) {
      case "date": date(); break;

  public void date() {
    System.out.println(new Date().toString());

That Lost Feeling

There are days in this life where we don’t really have a clue what’s going on at all. That’s okay. Those days come and go. They don’t have to stick around. Then there are days where we think we know what’s going on, but we really don’t and we are lost. Being lost can be normal from time to time. We don’t mean to be lost, we don’t even mean to have those feelings that we have while we’re lost. We eventually find our way back and being lost wasn’t so scary to begin with.
Here's a simple HTML class in Java for creating a very simple HTML page.

package com.dreamsense.html;
* HTML Elements

HTML Elements is a class that contains some basic Elements * for creating a basic HTML document. * @author Kyle Eggleston * @version 1.0 * @since 1.0 **/ public class Html { /** * Heading 1 **/ public static String H1 = "h1"; /** * Heading 2 **/ public static String H2 = "h2"; /** * Heading 3 **/ public static String H3 = "h3"; /** * Heading 4 **/ public static String H4 = "h4"; /** * Heading 5 **/ public static String H5 = "h5"; /** * Heading 6 **/ public static String H6 = "h6"; /** * Paragraph **/ public static String P = "p"; /** * address **/ public static String ADDRESS = "address"; /** * HR **/ public static String HR = "hr"; /** * BR **/ public static String BR = "br"; /** * HTML Document Title **/ public String title; private StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); /** * Construct HTML * @return this * @param element The HTML Element **/ public Html addElement(String element) { sb.append(String.format("<%s/>",element)) .append("\n"); return this; } /** * Construct HTML * @return this * @param element The HTML Element * @param text The text that goes in the Element **/ public Html addElement(String element, String text) { sb.append(String.format("<%s>%s", element, text, element)) .append("\n"); return this; } /** * Construct HTML * @return this * @param element The HTML Element * @param text The text that goes in the Element * @param id The id of the Element **/ public Html addElement(String element, String text, String id) { sb.append(String.format("<%s id=\"%s\">%s<%s>", element, id, text, element)) .append("\n"); return this; } /** * Sets the title of the HTML document * @param title The title of the HTML document * @return this **/ public Html setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; return this; } /** * Returns the title of the HTML document * @return The title of the HTML document **/ public String getTitle() { return this.title; } /** * Generate html * @return Returns generated html **/ public String build() { StringBuilder main = new StringBuilder(); main.append("\n\n") .append(title) .append("\n\n").append("\n") .append(sb.toString()) .append("\n"); return main.toString(); } }

ColdFusion Hello World

Here's an example of Hello World in ColdFusion. You could do this with variables but I decided to just go with the simple approach.

<cfoutput>Hello World</cfoutput>

Tuesday, July 28, 2020


There's a word out there called disappointment. It comes in various forms and shapes and sizes. There's not much you can do about it when it pops its  ugly head up. But you can react. You can choose how you will react to it all and how you will be able to go through life after it happens. It's not always an easy path to travel, but you are able to do it.


Sometimes we wake up from a terrible nightmare. We wonder if we are actually awake or if we are still in the dream. That's the worst part of it all. The nightmare itself can be explained away easily. But the part where we don't know if we are actually awake from the terrible thing, well that's a different story.

I Don't Care

I don't care for the way you look at me
there isn't anything I can do about it
you will do what you will do

I don't care for your glare
your self righteous attitude
the way you smile sinisterly at me

I just don't care
nor should you care
for life is short

Let's Talk Real

You know, with all this Covid19 stuff going around, it makes life a little difficult.

You go to a gas station wearing a mask. You go to the grocery story wearing a mask. If you go out to eat the wait staff is wearing a mask. Everywhere you look, people are wearing masks. There's no escaping it.

If you don't wear a mask, you are looked down on. People tell you that you should be wearing a mask. It's like you have the plague if you aren't wearing a mask.

Yeah it's that crazy out there. Might as well stay home and not go out or do anything. 


Life had little meaning
I was sure of that
if only but a moment
it all held true

I didn't have a clue
if life would stick it out
my own life was in danger
and I could not see it

Tame The Sky

Had I a way
To tame the sky
It would be futile
For the sky cannot be tamed
It must roam free

Console Input

There are times you wish to gather input from the console. There are a few ways of doing this. Here is one way of getting input from the user via the console:

public class Test {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    String in;
    in = System.console().readLine();

Create a Frame

A frame is a window for your application. It is the basic part and ground where your Swing application lives.

 import javax.swing.JFrame;

  public class Frame {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
      JFrame frame = new JFrame();

Tis But A Day

It is but a day. I for one do not understand a lot of what goes on during a day. It isn't the best thought to believe that which cannot be believed.

I would rather have an understanding of everything there is to understand. But I don't believe that is for everyone. To understand everything would be to know everything. Wouldn't that be confusing at times? One would think so.

Confusing and downright infuriating. To live such a life wouldn't be fair. A lot wouldn't be fair or fun at that point. So here we sit waiting for something better to come along. If that something does not come along, then we are stuck here waiting.

Hello World in Java

Hello World is the first program any programming student learns.

System.out.println("Hello World!");

Hello World

<h1>Hello World</h1>

Ever feel like no one is listening?

 Ever have that feeling that no one is listening to you? Yeah, that feeling. It can be a strong feeling to have, a hurtful feeling also. The...