Sunday, October 7, 2018

Thus Shall My Church Be Called

If we allow nicknames to be used or adopter or even sponsor those nicknames ourselves, He is offended.

To remove the Lord's name from the Lord's church is a major victory for Satan.1

Those two quotes were spoken by a prophet of God. So we are to believe that Satan prefers the term Mormon be used. If this is the case, why was the “I’m a Mormon” campaign even created? The previous two prophets, Gordon B. Hinkcley and Thomas S. Monson, had no issues with using the term Mormon to refer to the church or calling themselves that. Were they being led by Satan? I would hope not. To say such a thing would be contrary to the will and mind of God.

Joseph Smith even declared that Mormonism is truth.2 So again, why didn’t God truly set the record straight back in the 1830s before all of this was able to get away from the leaders of the church? If nicknames are of Satan as the prophet suggests, then why was it allowed for so many years? The church was restored in 1830. So that’s how many years exactly? 188 years. It took God 188 years to correct a nickname.

This was after the 2011 I’m a Mormon campaign.

People keep saying how revelatory it is that President Nelson is making these changes. If we take a look at the definition of revelatory it says:

revealing something hitherto unknown.

But the name of the church has been known for many years. This is not revelation from God. Back in 1990, then Elder Nelson made a similar comment about the church’s name. How important it is. Six months later, then Elder Gordon B. Hinckley stated that it was okay to be called Mormon. So there seems to even have been some confusion among the brethren. Was President Nelson simply waiting until the became president of the church to reemphasize the name of the church?

We may not be able to change the nickname, but we can make it shine with added luster.

After all, it is the name of a man who was a great prophet who struggled to save his nation, and also the name of a book which is a mighty testament of eternal truth, a veritable witness of the divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ.3

Let’s see where else from General Conference the term “Mormon Church” was used and, based on President Nelson’s talk, it offended God and allowed Satan to rejoice.

My beloved brothers and sisters and, particularly, nonmember friends, you are listening to the proceedings of a session of the annual April general conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, frequently referred to as the Mormon Church.

The nickname Mormon is associated with the Church and its members because we accept as scripture a book titled the Book of Mormon. This book is a translation of an ancient record inscribed on gold plates which, in September 1827, were delivered by an angel to Joseph Smith, a twenty-one-year-old youth.4

I’m reminded of the old commercials, where it would state the full name of the church, and then underneath those words, it would state “The Mormons.” So, did the church not bring this upon itself through media? Telling people it’s okay to call your a Mormon?

Because of the Book of Mormon, we are frequently called the Mormon Church, a title we do not resent, but it is really not accurate.5

Eventually, to Joseph Smith appeared the men who were the last authorized servants to direct the church of Jesus Christ—Peter, James, and John. These glorified beings ordained Joseph Smith with the same authority they had received from Jesus, so that once again there was a prophet of God on the earth who could say, “… thus saith the Lord.” (D&C 44:1.) Joseph Smith ordained others with the authority that he had received, and so the church of Jesus Christ was restored in these latter days—The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, commonly known as the Mormon Church.6

Today twenty thousand missionary-messengers of truth and the three million members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—the Mormon Church—bear witness that God has again spoken from the heavens, that Jesus Christ has appeared again unto man, that the resurrection is a reality.7

There are other examples in the church’s official magazine of where if people ask if you are a Mormon that you can be enthusiastic and say yes you are. Again, why are these changes being made so important at this time now? It makes no sense at all. Yet to say otherwise and against the prophet and apostles is ground for apostasy.

1. Russel M. Nelson, President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 7, 2018 General Conference Sunday Morning Session
2. Joseph Smith, Liberty, MO, to Isaac Galland, [Commerce, IL], 22 Mar. 1839, in Times and Seasons, Feb. 1840, 1:53, 55–56
3. Gordon B. Hinckley, Mormon Should Mean “More Good”, October 1990 General Conference
4. Marion G. Romney, “We, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1979 General Conference
5. Boyd K. Packer, “Guided by the Holy Spirit”, April 2011 General Conference
6. Ezra Taft Benson, “Listen to a Prophet’s Voice”, October 1972 General Conference
7. Ezra Taft Benson, “Life Is Eternal”, April 1971 General Conference

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