Saturday, October 10, 2009

SG:U Episode 2

Okay, so I'm watcing the second episode of Stargate Universe. Uh, Desert Planet. Right...

So they have these stones which allows them to contact Earth at anytime. That's nice, they can keep in touch. How sweet.

Okay, so they're on this desert planet so they can find a way to get their air thing working again in order to survive.

What do they find on the plnet? Sand. Well and this thing that keeps buggin' them... and it looks like it likes water. Hmmm interesting, perhaps that's where all the water went to in the first place.

And a face just appeared out of the sand. (Yes I'm watching it as I type)

Typical how when you get too warm that you start seeing things. Oh yes, it always happens like that.

The 'kid' is rather annoying... sure he wants to understand crap... but shoot, he's no scientist.

Reminds me of an episode of Enterprise, where they were on a Desert Planet. Hmmm... probably not though.

The ex con is fun. Seems like he likes to threaten people with his weapons.

Obviously they'll have to get the air working again, 'cause that would suck fo rthem to be stuck on a ship.

I enjoy the thought of a mutany.

Loved the part where the guy is about to step through the gate and the scientist tells the ex con to shoot the guy. Classic!

"Why'd you do that?"

"He told me to."

And so the guy has a flashback of when he knocked up some gal. The swirrly thing comes back and wakes him up. He finds the lakebed, which is what they were looking for to begin with and help arrives.

I'm wondering what happened to the two deserters... that went on their marry way. Talk about getting rid of cast members you don't need/care about?

I wonder if they'll pop up later on episodes, and become enemies... oh let's hope not. That would be too cliche in my opinion.

Ex con is really cool. Motivating his commanding officer like that. Telling him to get up, that he has to make it. Sweet.

Nice how they incorporated the fact if you keep an object in the event horizon that the wormhole on the gate keeps open. Very cool.

And the ship goes on its way... with the air supply thing fixed. Allowing them to survive.

Not to mention some music about "Don't forget to breathe" playing over it all.

Well, except for the fact of the small sucker ship that was stuck to the vessel... that flys off when they're in hyperspace. Hmmm, interesting.

Yep, the adventure continues. Can't wait till next week. Love the show!

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