Once called
revelation, a difficult policy has been reversed. Children of gay
parents can now be baptized into the LDS church before the age of 18,
they are now eligible to have a baby blessing and all other
ordinances allowed to other members of the church.
People in a same
sex marriage are no longer to be disciplined under grounds of
These changes come
a short 3.5 years after they were put into place.
There are some
questions I have regarding this.
Did God change His mind? It was spoken as revelation at the start, and now it’s more revelation to end such a practice? Which revelation is correct?
What of those who were excommunicated during the policy because they were found guilty of apostasy? Does God simply shake his head at it and say oops...that shouldn’t have happened.
How long before all of this is swept under the rug and people claim it never took place to begin with?
What about those who testified about the road the church took? How important it was and how God is never changing? What will they say now regarding it all?
Perhaps more importantly, what about those who committed suicide because of the harsh policy? They were told they weren’t welcome, weren’t wanted, and now the policy changes and it’s suddenly okay? As though nothing happened before November 2015.
I do not have
answers to any of these questions. I doubt I will ever find an answer
to these questions in my lifetime. Perhaps at the very end, I can ask
God what He was thinking when he prompted these revelations.
This weighs heavy
on my heart and soul.
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