Saturday, January 12, 2019

Article of Faith 2

We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam’s transgression.

The second Article of Faith clearly states that we don’t believe in original sin. Original sin, is the sin which Adam and Eve committed in the Garden of Eden. That is, hearkening unto Satan and eating of the fruit. In turn, we are only responsible for the sins which we commit here in our own lives. Seems nice for sure, don’t have to be held to another person’s sins to dictate our lives.

Well...that’s not the whole truth though.

You see, in November of 2015 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints included some things in their Official Handbook of Instructions (Handbook One) redefining apostasy. It included in that definition that members in homosexual relationships would be declared in apostasy. (It’s okay to have the thoughts, just don’t act on them.)

It also changed a few things around for children of those same sex couples. Children who have two parents who are the same sex, cannot be baptized at the age of eight. Thus they are being punished for the “sins” of their parents...which appears to go against the 2nd Article of Faith.

Adam is our first parent, those to whom we are direct descents of are our biological parents. Either way, we shouldn’t be judged for either of their sins. Like the story of the blind man in the New Testament of the Bible. The Savior’s disciples asked who had sinned the man or his parents that he had been born blind. The Savior’s response was that neither had sinned. It wasn’t his or his parents fault that he was born blind.

Should not this be the case with children who are born to same sex couples? People should be allowed to love each other no matter their gender. Didn’t God teach love? Didn’t Jesus teach that we should love everyone no matter what?

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