Thursday, November 13, 2008

Weekend ALMOST here

Ack... the weekend is almost here. The bad part is the almost part. I mean, here we are... it's way close to the weekend, and yet it's not.

The dog's asleep at the moment. Such a good puppy... good and sleepy. Rough day he had... crazy rough day. Oh well, it's all good. 'Cause he's a good puppy. Yes, even still a puppy... even though he's 4 years old.

Mythbusters is a good show. Love it so much... the two guys are just nuts... and they make money doing it all. Hmmm, interesting job those two have.

I think this is another useless post about nothing, random crap... and junk. heh

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Love Actually

Watched Love Actually tonight... it was interesting to say the least. Can't really think of anything to say aobut it at the moment... just interesting.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Java Logging

So, I've been trying to figure out the best way to log stuff in my Java programs. I've heard all there is to hear about Log4j, which I might add I keep mispelling... so it can't have that great of a title right?

I've also heared a lot about the built in logging utilities in Java that have been around since version 1.4.

For a little bit, I was attempting to create my own logging platform... for now I've tabled the sucker. I might get back to it one of these days, but for now... yeah one of the two options above will work out nicely.

Anywho... my next attempt is to figure out how to transform the outputted log file into either a database... or an xml file... or something. Not sure why I want to do this... probably a proof of concept type of thing. We'll see...


Watched Garfield last night... hadn't seen that movie before... I know I know, I've been living under a rock or something.

Anywho... it was an okay show. Didn't like the part where Odie got dognapped... poor puppy. But all in all it was an alright show. Wouldn't own it... definately a renter.

Meh Bleh and Blah

So there we are... meh bleh and blah... what does that have to do with anything? Not sure... doe sit matter? Nope. So why am I writing this? Don't have a clue. I wish there was more time in a week... life is so freakin' busy these days. Moving has got me worried somewhat. But what else is new right?

I wish I had more time in the evenings... but it feels like I work, get home and before I know it it's time for bed. Not much of anything to do anything really. The weekends are about the same. They just go by too quickly.k I'm sure there's a way around it.... but haven't a clue. We'll just see what happens.

Oh well... life continues to move on, and all that junk. Thank goodness for the DVR, without that I don't think we'd see any of our favorite sows. lol

Had a crazy dream the other night... don't think I want to talk about it though. Just weird, nothing of great importance. Dreaming can be fun... at times. Yep, fun times indeed.


Sunday, November 2, 2008

Changing Times

Okay... so setting the clock back an hour is good and all... if you don't have a clock that automatically sets the time for you. lol

Yep, last night, I changed the time on the alarm clock. Well, the darn clock switched itself another hour... so when the wifey woke up this morning to go to work... um yeah, an hour late... oops. Good thing her work was understanding.... but yikes, no fun.

Hopefully I'll remember this the next time clocks need to be changed. Yep that would be a good thing.

Ever feel like no one is listening?

 Ever have that feeling that no one is listening to you? Yeah, that feeling. It can be a strong feeling to have, a hurtful feeling also. The...